---+ <strong>IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (</strong>TM101<strong>)</strong> *When: October 19, 2021<br />Time: 1pm (UTC)* <br />%TOC% ---++ *Logistic* <div id="_mcePaste">Topic: IVOA Exec TM101</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Time: Oct 19, 2021 01:00 PM Universal Time UTC</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Join Zoom Meeting</div> <div id="_mcePaste">https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/88042865807?pwd=VUpBRnZMMjlJbTk3WEZxME9HNUZjUT09</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Meeting ID: 880 4286 5807</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Passcode: 224805</div> <div id="_mcePaste">One tap mobile</div> <div id="_mcePaste">+13126266799,,88042865807#,,,,*224805# US (Chicago)</div> <div id="_mcePaste">+16468769923,,88042865807#,,,,*224805# US (New York)</div> ---++ *Agenda* *TM101* 1 Roll Call and Agenda 1 Minutes of <a target="_blank" href="https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaRepMin/ivoa-tm100-20210914.pdf" title="TM100 minutes">TM100 </a> 1 Review of Exec <span style="text-decoration: underline;">ACTIONS</span> 1 Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 1 Overall TCG Status 1 Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] * <span style="background-color: transparent;">VODataService 1.2 standard</span> 1 Future Interop meetings: Northern Fall meeting organization updates 1 CSP Status 1 Collaboration between IVOA and IAU: strategy for engagement 1 <p>IVOA and Blockchain Open Development <span style="background-color: transparent;">protocols.</span></p> 1 AOB 1 Date of next Exec meeting 1 Review of New Action Items ---++ *Reports from the Projects:* ---+++ *Argentina-NOVA* ---+++ ArVO ---+++ AstroGrid ---+++ Australia-VO (ASVO) ---+++ BRAVO ---+++ China-VO ---+++ ChiVO ---+++ CVO ---+++ Euro_VO ---+++ ESA ---+++ France VO ---+++ *GAVO* ---+++ HVO ---+++ NLVO ---+++ JVO ---+++ RVO ---+++ SA^3 ---+++ SVO ---+++ Vo-India ---+++ VObs.it ---+++ Ukraine_VO ---+++ USVOA ---++ *Report from the TCG* * Last meeting Oct 13, next meeting Oct 27 * Forwarded Architecture Doc on Oct 14 to BB for Exec review as an Endorsed Note with Exec review * Forwarded VODataService-1.2 to BB for Exec review * Current Recs in TCG review: GMS 1.0; EN-TAP 2.0, SimpleDALRegExt-1.2 * IVOA Interop - currently 84 attendees; Schedule in place; another reminder will go out this week * ADASS will have Gathertown for Posters (they are paying for a month and we fall within the timeframe) * Edu session on Nov 01 * WG/IG leading sessions during interop ---++ *Report from the CSP* * First meeting took place on the 30th of September 2021. * Membership: discussed possibility of adding a bio to the wiki for each member. Status: Still gathering information. * Follow-up on feedback gathered during and in between interops. Status: continuous effort through participation to running meetings, TCG meetings, different slack channels and GitHub repos. * Interop prep: The CSP will have a panel session around how we interact with astronomers to improve their experience with our services and tools and how this can help us to improve our services / tools. We have six confirmed panelists representing different organisations.
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2021-10-19 - JanetEvans
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