---+ IVOA Data Curation and Preservation *"Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long-term curation and preservation of astronomical data"* Chair : [[GillesLandais][Gilles Landais]] Vice-Chair : [[Gus Muench]] Chairs Emeritus : [[AndreSchaaff][André Schaaff]], [[FrancoiseGenova][Francoise Genova]], [[AlbertoAccomazzi][Alberto Accomazzi]], [[BobHanisch][Bob Hanisch]] and [[ReaganMoore][Reagan Moore]] Events: Last news: <!--The IVOA Note about DOIs around astronomical data is near its first public release, around ADASS/IVOA Groningen period<br />We have a now a tool area on this page, if it helps curation and preservation it is welcome ! --> --- <br />%TOC% --- ---++ History [[DCPHistory][DCP Interest Group roots]] ---++ Charter The Data Curation and Preservation (DCP) Interest Group is established to share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long-term curation and preservation of astronomical data. Main discussion topics: * Identification of at-risk data and data collections * Processes for engaging the community in curation and preservation activities * Coordination with strategic partners such as astronomical data centers, research libraries, and scholarly publishers * Feedback about related work done in Research Data Alliance, liaison with the RDA WG/IG implied in DCP and related items * Technology reviews concerning all aspects of curation and preservation (metadata, provenance, data integrity, media migration, replication, disaster recovery, assessment criteria, etc.) * Data preservation, TRUST principles and certification * Providing FAIR data The Interest Group is entitlement to produce white papers and/or to bring proposed actions to the attention of the IVOA Technical Coordination Group and IVOA Executive. ---++ Topics * DOIs: Digital Object Identifier<br /> [[%ATTACHURL%/DOI-reports-and-feedbacks.pdf][DOI-reports-and-feedbacks.pdf]] : status in IVOA, examples, implementation and advices feedbacks * [[DataOriginVO][Data origin in the VO]] : meta-data required to provide sufficient traceability to end-users in order to improve the understanding of the resultsets and enabling its reuse and its citation. ---++ How to participate ? * Anyone interested in data curation and preservation is welcome to participate and to register to the [[http://mail.ivoa.net/mailman/listinfo/datacp][mailing-list]] ( [[http://www.ivoa.net/pipermail/datacp/][archives]]) to receive the news. * The presentations and discussions are held during the semestrial IVOA meetings, do not hesitate to participate. ---++ Resources and tools This section is intended to gather resources and tools of interest in curation and data preservation. * [[DCPToolsFITS][Mapping FITS metadata with ObsCoreDM, FITS validator]] ---++ Links * RDA - Research Data Alliance, https://www.rd-alliance.org/ * Library of Congress Digital Preservation, http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/about/initiatives.html * UK Digital Curation Center, http://www.dcc.ac.uk/ * DOI, https://www.doi.org/ * ORCID, https://orcid.org/ * TRUST principles: https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda-community-effort-trust-principles-digital-repositories ---++ Past initiatives * ERPANET - Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network, http://www.erpanet.org/ * DILIGENT - Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Technology, https://dbis.dmi.unibas.ch/research/projects/diligent/ * Global Grid Forum - Preservation Environments Working Group, http://www.gridforum.org ---++ More details about our activities Since the creation of the DCP Interest Group we had many presentations and discussions, please refer to the past meetings: * October 2022, Virtual : [[InterOpOct2022DCP]] * Apr 2022, Virtual : [[InterOpApr2022DCP]] * May 2021, Virtual, [[InterOpMay2021DCP]] * May 2020, Virtual, [[InterOpMay2020DCP]] * May 2019, Paris, InterOpMay2019DCP * November 2018, College Park, InterOpNov2018DCP * May/June 2018, Victoria Interop, InterOpMay2018DCP * October 2017, Santiago Interop, InterOpOct2017DCP * May 2017, Shanghai, [[InterOpMay2017-DCP][InterOpMay2017DCP]] * October 2016, Trieste, InteropOct2016DCP * May 2016, Cape Town, [[InterOpMay2016-DCP][InterOpMay2016DCP]] * October/November 2015, Sydney, [[InteropOct2015DCP][InterOpOctober2015DCP]] * June 2015, Sexten, No session * October 2014,Banff, InterOpOct2014SemanticsDCP * May 2014, Madrid, No session * October 2013, Hawaii, InterOpSep2013DCP * May 2013, Heidelberg, InterOpMay2013DCP * October 2012, Sao Paulo, InterOpOct2012DCP * May 2012, InterOpOct2012DCP * October 2011, Pune, InterOpOct2011DCP * May 2011, Naples, InteropMay2011DCP * Dec 2010, Nara, InterOpDec2010DCP * May 2010, Victoria, InterOpMay2010DCP * ... see ivoa.net for the older meetings <!--<br /><br />---++ Papers<br /> * Smith, M., R. Moore, ?Digital Archive Policies and Trusted Digital Repositories?, proceedings of The 2nd International Digital Curation Conference: Digital Data Curation in Practice, November 2006, Glasgow, Scotland.<br /> * Moore, R., ?Building Preservation Environments with Data Grid Technology?, American Archivist, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 139-158, July 2006.<br /> * Rajasekar, A., M. Wan, R. Moore, W. Schroeder, ?A Prototype Rule-based Distributed Data Management System?, HPDC workshop on ?Next Generation Distributed Data Management?, May 2006, Paris, France.<br /> * Moore, R., J. Jaja, R. Chadduck, "Mitigating Risk of Data Loss in Preservation Environments", NASA / IEEE MSST2005, Thirteenth NASA Goddard / Twenty-second IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, April 2005.<br /> * Moore, R., "Persistent Collections," book chapter in "Databasing the Brain," editors S. H. Koslow and S. Subramaniam, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.<br /> * Moore, R., R. Marciano, "Prototype Preservation Environments", submitted to Library Trends, Dec. 2004.<br /> * Moore, R., A. Rajasekar, M. Wan, "Data Grids, Digital Libraries and Persistent Archives: An Integrated Approach to Publishing, Sharing and Archiving Data", submitted to IEEE, Dec. 2004<br /> * Moore, R., "Building Preservation Environments with Data Grid Technology", submitted to American Archivist, Oct., 2004<br /> * Moore, R., W. Underwood, "Preservation Environments for Digital Entities," Interpares II report, June 2004.<br /><!--<br /> * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup <br />-->
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2023-01-29 - 16:55
IVOA DOI report session
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Topic revision: r61 - 2023-01-29 - GillesLandais
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