IVOA Interoperability meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

DAL Session

Friday 7 October, 9:30-13:00

  1. WG Status
  2. Simple Spectral Access Protocol (SSAP)
    • Query interface (D. Tody)
    • Characterization issues (F. Bonnarel)
    • Data model (J. McDowell)
  3. Spectral Line Access Protocol (SLAP)
    • Status, query interface (J. Salgado)
    • BREAK 11:00
  4. Simple Image Access Protocol (SIAP)
    • Some issues for SIA V1.1 (F. Bonnarel)
  5. Implementations
    • Demos (F. Pierfederici)
      • WCS-augmented graphics display
      • Image footprint description and plotting
    • VO/DAL-Client, reference implementations, verification (D. Tody)
  6. WG Summary

Documents and Presentations

SSA Documents:


Presenter SubjectSorted ascending Slide
DougTody DAL client .ppt
DougTody DAL Closing Plenary .ppt
DougTody DAL WG Status .ppt
JonathanMcDowell Data Model .ppt
MarkusDolensky session minutes .txt
FrancoisBonnarel SIA issues .ppt
DougTody SIA V1.1 .ppt
JesusSalgado Spectral Line Access Protocol .ppt
DougTody SSA Query interface .ppt
FrancoisBonnarel SSA/Characterization DM issues .ppt
FrancescoPierfederici WCS for graphics + instr. footprint demo .ppt .zip .ppt

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt SLAP.ppt r1 manage 297.0 K 2005-10-07 - 15:35 JesusSalgado SLAP (Simple Line Access Protocol) Salgado et al
PowerPointppt bonnarel_SIA.ppt r1 manage 1691.0 K 2005-10-07 - 11:25 MarkusDolensky SIA issues by Francois B. et al.
PowerPointppt bonnarel_SSA.ppt r1 manage 153.0 K 2005-10-07 - 11:26 MarkusDolensky SSA / Characterization DM issues by Francois B.
PowerPointppt dal-madrid.ppt r1 manage 1417.5 K 2005-10-07 - 21:06 DougTody Collected presentations
PowerPointppt dal-wg-summary.ppt r1 manage 392.5 K 2005-10-07 - 21:07 DougTody DAL Closing Plenary/Summation
Texttxt dal_20051007.txt r1 manage 2.6 K 2005-10-07 - 11:17 MarkusDolensky minutes by Markus
Texttxt dal_minutes.txt r1 manage 2.7 K 2005-10-07 - 21:17 DougTody minutes by Markus
PowerPointppt footprint.ppt r1 manage 594.5 K 2005-10-10 - 09:15 FrancescoPierfederici Footprint Demo Slides (F. Pierfederici)
Compressed Zip archivezip fpierfed-fov.zip r1 manage 1862.5 K 2005-10-10 - 09:14 FrancescoPierfederici Footprint Demo Files (F. Pierfederici)
PowerPointppt madrid_sed.ppt r1 manage 278.0 K 2005-10-07 - 12:22 JonathanMcDowell  
PowerPointppt wcs-jpegs.ppt r1 manage 812.0 K 2005-10-10 - 09:17 FrancescoPierfederici WCS in graphic files slides (M. Dolensky)
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Topic revision: r14 - 2005-10-10 - MarcoLeoni
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