Registry Session: Nov 2023

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Saturday November 11, 202 @14:00 MST: Steward Room N210 and online (Session 7)
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Renaud Savalle, Hendrik Heinl Report on recent data publishers onboarding activites 10+5 The IVOA registration process can appear complex and needs a better onboarding process. We will report on an effort recently started by the Registry WG and the Education IG to help data providers with registration of their services and data collections. In October 2023 we organized a telecon where several data providers, both new and established, shared their experience maintaining a IVOA publishing registry. We'll present the main topics covered and discuss how to best pursue that effort. Slides Minutes of 2023-10-03 meeting
Markus Demleitner The harvest trigger service 10+5 When data centres update their registry records, it usually takes about half a day until a full registry harvests them and notices the change. However, there are times when one would like to see the effects of a change in a client – which uses a searchable registry – immediately. The harvest trigger service enables that for the searchable registry at This talk briefly discusses the details. Notes Slides
All Discussion: Python as a registry client for the end users 60 How do we want programmers to use the Registry from Python ? How do scientists use PyVO to find resources and learn how to use them ? We'll discuss several use-cases and produce an outline of user-friendly updates we propose to make to PyVO or astroquery.

Please add use cases or suggestions to this Google Doc: PDF


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Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IVOA_Reg-Edu-providers_Zoom_Mtg_Notes_-_Google_Docs.pdf r1 manage 140.9 K 2024-05-16 - 13:04 RenaudSavalle Minutes of 2023-10-03 onboarding meeting
PDFpdf InterOpNov2023Reg_onboarding.pdf r1 manage 2935.0 K 2023-11-11 - 18:56 RenaudSavalle Report on Data Providers Onboarding Activities
PDFpdf InterOpNov2023Registry_Notes-365days.pdf r1 manage 52.2 K 2024-01-23 - 13:35 RenaudSavalle PyVO and discovery - collaborative notes (frozen 2024-01-23)
PDFpdf interop_202311_pyvo.pdf r2 r1 manage 236.6 K 2023-11-11 - 16:31 TessJaffe Jaffe slides on PyVO and Discovery
PDFpdf pop.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 937.3 K 2023-11-11 - 23:38 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf registry_discovery_use_cases.pdf r1 manage 241.3 K 2024-01-24 - 12:24 RenaudSavalle Registry Discovery Use Cases (work document, frozen 2024-01-24)
PDFpdf twoup.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 938.9 K 2023-11-11 - 23:38 MarkusDemleitner  
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