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PDFpdf GWS-Opening.pdf r1 manage 539.7 K 2023-11-10 - 15:07 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf GWSOpeningMay2024.pdf r1 manage 615.6 K 2024-05-19 - 00:30 JesusSalgado  
Unknown file formatpptx GWSOpeningMay2024.pptx r1 manage 2866.2 K 2024-05-19 - 00:30 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf InterOpNov2023Reg_open.pdf r1 manage 1224.4 K 2023-11-10 - 14:11 RenaudSavalle Registry - Opening
PDFpdf OpenDCP.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 244.7 K 2023-11-10 - 18:31 GillesLandais DCP open session
PDFpdf Radioastronomy__in_the_VO_initial_plenary_Nov_2023.pdf r1 manage 458.1 K 2023-11-10 - 17:14 FrancoisBonnarel Charge to WG RIG
PDFpdf SSIG-OpeningSlide.pdf r1 manage 156.8 K 2023-11-10 - 13:17 AnneRaugh SSIG Session Preview
PDFpdf TDIG_slides.pdf r1 manage 456.6 K 2023-11-10 - 15:08 RafaelMartinezGalarza TDIG slides
PDFpdf dal_opening_nov2023.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 783.1 K 2023-11-10 - 17:54 GregoryMantelet  
PDFpdf dmwg_open.pdf r1 manage 178.6 K 2023-11-10 - 13:27 MarkCresitelloDittmar DM - openning remarks
PDFpdf ops_intro_Nov2023.pdf r1 manage 540.4 K 2023-11-10 - 14:32 SteveGroom Opening session intro for Ops session
PDFpdf semantics-opening.pdf r1 manage 426.0 K 2023-11-10 - 17:02 BaptisteCecconi IVOA Semantics opening
PDFpdf slides_chargesWG_IVOAInterOp_Tucson_2023.pdf r2 r1 manage 82.8 K 2023-11-10 - 17:57 RaffaeleDAbrusco  
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Topic revision: r22 - 2024-05-19 - JesusSalgado
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