IVOA Web Doc Hackathon at the May 2024 Interop, Sydney, Australia

Wednesday May 22 2024 Session 10 @ 14:00 & Session 11 @ 16:00;

This session invites participants to work together to review some key areas of the IVOA website at ivoa.net in a live "hackathon" format. We are seeking to improve the overall quality of the site by identifying specific problems such as obsolete information, incorrect or broken links, and other issues or areas in need of improvement.

There are 2 ways to contribute:

1) Make changes to the current web pages -- Be part of small team to change IVOA Test Web Pages (2 roles: technical/advisory)

2) Prepare for future Webpage upgrades --- Create a small team to work at a white board to review an overall web page redesign
  • What should be on the IVOA web pages?
  • Who are the audience(s) and what do they need to know??
  • How should things be divided up??

Slides to kick off hackathon ...


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Topic revision: r4 - 2024-05-21 - JanetEvans
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