Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

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Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation.  
Gus Muench (AAS) (to define) 12+3 (to define) DOI and citation for AAS journals  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS) (to define) 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3 (to define)  
R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

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