Semantics session @ Interop Paris 2019

Thursday May 16, 14:00 - 15:30 in Salle Le Verrier

Welcome to the next Semantics session !! Here is the agenda .

SpeakerSorted ascending Title Duration Slides
Discussion Vocabularies in the IVOA /next steps 10'  
E. Perret , M.Louys Observatory, instruments/Facilities Index - An update. 15' pdf
Emeric Bron Using vocabularies in IVOA theory applications and development 15' pdf
Markus Demleitner Towards an update of the IVOA Recommendation `Vocabularies in the VO' 20' sem2.pdf
Pat Dowler IVOA Vocabularies for TAP CAOM and ObsCore aware services 20' pdf
Sebastien Derriere "The Unified Astronomy Thesaurus 3.0" 10' pdf
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf QueryExamplesVizDataprototype_EM.pdf r1 manage 1550.6 K 2019-05-16 - 10:40 MireilleLouys Query examples on Telescope prototype DB -Emmanuelle Perret
PDFpdf Semantics_Paris19_LePetit.pdf r1 manage 9601.4 K 2019-05-16 - 11:47 MireilleLouys vocabularies in Theory IG
PDFpdf UAT_3_Thesaurus.pdf r1 manage 1878.0 K 2019-05-16 - 10:14 SebastienDerriere UAT 3.0 Thesaurus
PDFpdf sem2.pdf r2 r1 manage 56.4 K 2019-05-17 - 09:36 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf telInstrepo-ParisInterop19-EM-ML.pdf r1 manage 3245.6 K 2019-05-16 - 08:09 MireilleLouys an index for telescope and instruments for planetary an astronomy science
PDFpdf vocab-experiences.pdf r1 manage 124.8 K 2019-05-16 - 07:30 PatrickDowler  
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Topic revision: r14 - 2019-05-20 - MarkusDemleitner
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