InterOpMay2005 Theory


First we'll have some presentations, each about 15 minutes:

1. Dave De Young on activities regarding a data repository for theory simulations in the USA.

2. Enrique Solano: "TSAP: a VO-protocol to access theoretical data. Application to PGos3" (see

3. Laurie Shaw on data model and UCDs for theory (see his papers at the theory TWiki site IvoaTheory) and/or webservices for producing SZ maps and comparig them to observations.

4. Gerard Lemson: theory VO activities in Germany(see,,, or in case the public site is not up yet). Upon request I will also present work done by the groups at JHU/Hungary on theory spectra

5. Philippe Prugniel: Model and Access requirement for spectral-modelling services: Projects in VO-France

These presentations about cover the subjects proposed in the email below, with some emphasis on theory spectra, which clearly is of interest for a number of people. I propose to have discussions about these subjects in the remainder of the session. In particular we should discuss:

1. Publishing theory datasets:, how to archive them, how to wrap them with web services them available.

2. Models for metadata describing these datasets. Here we may pay special attention to theory spectra, as it is closest to the data model that is developed furthest in the DM/DAL working groups, but offers different requirements. It would be good if representatives of these working groups could attend this meeting.

3. Making theory services/application available online, both for analysing/visualising these datasets and simulators for creating new ones. Here we should address interoperability, how to tie different services together. And we should pay special attention to the interaction between observational and theoretical services. I can discuss efforts that GAVO is involved in with both theorists and observers around Munich and in various collaborations that have this as their goal. It would be good if within the IVOA we could organize some similar projects.

Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatext cube1 r1 manage 1960.3 K 2005-05-19 - 01:00 JonathanMcDowell FITS cube of magnetic pressure in jet simulation
Unknown file formatext cube2 r1 manage 1960.3 K 2005-05-19 - 01:17 JonathanMcDowell Same cube, ZXY instead of XYZ
Unknown file formatsxi thymeta.sxi r1 manage 10.1 K 2005-05-19 - 00:58 JonathanMcDowell Some simulation metadata examples
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Topic revision: r5 - 2005-05-31 - MarcoLeoni
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