
IVOA Interoperability 2003

12-16 May 2003: IoA, Cambridge, UK

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc

Registration closed Mon 5 May 2003

Dinner details here

InterOpMay2003Feedback - use this page to record your comments on the meeting. Let us know if you have ideas or suggestions for improvements as to meeting format, structure, organisation etc that might help the IVOA in it's organisation of future events.

ADASSXIII: will be in Strasbourg, F - and the next IVOAInterOp will be directly after that on 16-17 Oct 2003. See you there.


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

During the 5 days it is anticipated that the attendees will discuss and generate draft standard proposals in the areas of:

  • Registry
  • Data Models
  • UCDs
  • VOQL
  • VOTable
  • Web Services

Work groups will address the above in meetings 12-14 May. Full plenary sessions will be held 15+16 May for closure and steps forward.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings.

This is the schedule of Work Group sessions based on the feedback received in the week of 4/21/03. We hope that this minimizes conflicts and maximizes participation.

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.

Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People Session Agenda & Materials
Programme Committee BobHanisch NicholasWalton, FrancoiseGenova  
Local Organising Committee NicholasWalton Jim Lewis, Guy Rixon, Karen Disney, Judith Moss  
Registry TonyLinde MarcoLeoni InterOpMay2003ResReg
UCDs RoyWilliams FrancoiseGenova, MarcoLeoni InterOpMay2003UCD
Data Models Jonathan McDowell AlbertoMicol InterOpMay2003DataModel
VOQL MasatoshiOhishi Ed Shaya, Naoki Yasuda, Masahiro Tanaka, Wil O'Mullane InterOpMay2003VOQL
DAL/SIA DougTody MarkusDolensky InterOpMay2003DAL
VOTable Francois Ochsenbein AndreasWicenec InterOpMay2003VOTable
Web Services ClivePage Wil O'Mullane, AlasdairAllan, AlbertoAccomazzi, AndreSchaaff InterOpMay2003WebServices
Stds and Document Acceptance TonyLinde NicholasWalton, FrancoiseGenova, BobHanisch InterOpMay2003StdsDocProc

Work Group Meeting Activities: 12-14 May 2003

Date Time PlaceSorted ascending Activity Comments
  14.00-17.00 CMS AVO Project Meeting Avo:AvoProj14052003 Parallel sessions
  10.00-13.00 ES Data Access Layer Parallel sessions
  14.00-17.00 ES Data Access Layer Parallel sessions
  09.00-13.00 ES UCDs Parallel sessions
  09.00-13.00 HC UCDs Parallel sessions
  14.00-17.00 HC Web Services Parallel sessions
Mon 12 May 2003 09.00-10.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics [.pdf]
  10.00-13.00 LT UCDs Parallel sessions
  14.00-17.00 LT UCDs Parallel sessions
Tue 13 May 2003 09.00-13.00 LT Data Models Parallel sessions
  14.00-17.00 LT Data Models Parallel sessions
Wed 14 May 2003 09.00-13.00 LT Registry Parallel sessions
  14.00-17.00 LT Registry Parallel sessions
  14.00-15.30 OR Stds and Doc Acceptance Process  
  09.00-13.00 OR VOQL Parallel sessions
  14.00-17.00 OR VOQL Parallel sessions

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre (except Weds 14/5 when at Churchill College)

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30 No 2 min walk
CMS: CMS Meeting Room MR5 in Centre Mathematical Sciences lower ground floor of central core ~20 No ~10 min walk

Plenary Meeting 15+16 May 2003

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 15 May 2003 09.00-13.00 LT Registry, Data Models 2x2hr sessions
  14.00-16.00 LT UCDs, VOQL 2x2hr sessions
  16.30-16.45 Outside LT Group Photo  
Fri 16 May 2003 09.00-13.00 LT DAL/SIA, VOTable, Grid/Web Services and the VO 2x2hr sessions
  14.00-17.00 LT Synthesis, discussion, next steps 2x2hr sessions

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available Thu-16.00-16.30, Fri-15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) - ~120 capacity (with Wireless Internet access)


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register

Registration closed Monday 5th May 2003

(Note: we ask if you'd like to give a presentation at some point during the week - demand will dictate how many talks we fit into the working group and plenary session agendas).

There will be no registration charge as such. Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees - gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Update: May 9, 2003: Dinner will be from 19.30 - 22.30 on the evening of Thurs 15 May. The venue will be the Plough Inn in the village of Coton just outside Cambridge (see map)

There will be a coach organised with pickups in the centre of Cambridge (leaving 19.00 from opposite the main Police station on Parkside), the Arundel Hotel (19.10 from Chesterton Road) and the IoA (19.15 from the carpark near the APM building) before arriving the Plough Inn (2 High Street, Coton, Cambs: tel: 01954 210489). The coach will leave on the return route departing at 22.30 calling at the above stops in reverse order. At the registration desk we'll give out a map showing the coach pickup points.

On Monday and Tuesday morning we'll ask you to buy your dinner ticket (UKP 22, payment by cash, cheque from a UK Bank account made payable to the University of Cambridge or less preferred, visa or mastercard). At this time you'll also be able to make your menu selection.

May 5, 2003: signup for dinner has now closed

We will have a Workshop Dinner at a pub of local repute on Thursday evening. Given that lunches are being most kindly provided by other funds, we will ask for a contribution of ~25 pounds for this event.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found on the AstroGrid wiki at Astrogrid:TravelToIoA

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 60/night with breakfast and are ensuite. If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (, giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietray considerations.

17 Apr 2003: The University accommodation has now all been reserved

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (, she maybe able to help.

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