---+ HEIG Meeting (online) - Wed Jan 31 2023 @ 14:30 UTC %TOC% * _Attendees_ : Mathieu, Catherine, Francois, Mireille, Jutta, Rafaele, Mathias, Ian, Janet _(from memory - please check)_ * _Regrets_ : Ada, Mark CD ---++ <a name="Zoom"></a>Zoom ---++ Actions * *New* * *MS* - will send a note to HEIG once he has PDF file generation in GitHub working with instructions about review and feedback of Doc * *OLD* * *MCD* - MCD suggested Use cases that follow a story board are helpful to WGs that work to implement the standards; Mark will make several examples available to guide HEIG contributors - *OPEN* * *ALL* - Several specific use cases were mentioned to add and we're sure there are more - (Events lists, science alerts (multi messenger), Vos-Obj, response functions) - Let's work to add use cases - *WORKING* * *MS/MCD* - Move the Draft Note to Git with the help of MCD who has done this before for IVOA notes/docs - *DONE* * *JE/MS* - Send note to IVOA mailing list to ensure we're not a closed, but open group welcoming membership to those in the HE community. Email will need to be drafted and then reviewed by this group to ensure we covered it all. - *HOLD, till Doc out* ---++ <a name="Meeting Agenda"></a>Meeting Agenda * Review actions * *While we were reviewing actions (noted above) RD initiated a discussion about Obscore and how it didn't handle off-axis sources; Arnold had presented this when he was active; FB noted that the Obscore is a coarse grain and details for a wavelength are fine grain - and are possibly handled in extensions (like Radio); Obscore was a topic of this group and we need to keep it alive; First step is to come up with Use Cases to show the cases not handled - then we possibly present at the Interop and take it to the DM/DAL WGs. JE will add the topic to the HEIG home page too.* * Interop planning update - JE; *We discussed Interop dates/plans.* * Status of Draft IVOA Note in Git - What's next?? - * Pointer to Current draft is link to HEIG Twiki main page: [[HEGroup][https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup]] * *The Note has been moved to Git; several folks have already actively commented; MS will send an email to HEIG once he has PDF file generation in GitHub working with instructions about review and feedback of Doc.* * Organizing a plenary session at the Interop in Sydney. *Had a discussion; Conclusions -* * *Not ready for May Plenary - will continue with Doc and plan for Malta meeting;* * *We will aim at a presentations in one of the WG sessions (DM/DAL);* * *We will aim to become an IVOA IG in Fall;* * <b>Also need to get current and future Xray facilities & HE astronomy invovled in a plenary; For example: eRosita, new Athena, Xrism; CTA ; KN3NeT; Japan/China/Australia initiatives?? </b><b><br /></b> * *We will meet informally in Sydney as a group (one afternoon or evening) TBD; found some folks are planning to go but not majority of those at the mtg. I believe the following indicated they were aiming to be there (MS, ML, FB, RD, JE)* * Timeliness for various project work wrt Event lists/Data Models - let's go round the table; *Folks (Paris, KM3net) expressed that they needed to get an event list on a ~ 1 year timeframe* * AOB/Discussion * Mireille: need for checking the mail adress of people actually registred in the list [[mailto:heig@ivoa.net][heig@ivoa.net]] * *JE thinks the HEIG group matches the list on the twiki but will double check; folks have been given instructions to sign themselves up. If you know of folks that are not on the mailing list and want to be added, please have them go to the following URL and fill out the form: http://mail.ivoa.net/mailman/listinfo/heig* * Mireille: need to update <a href="https://www.ivoa.net/members/index.html" target="_blank">https://www.ivoa.net/members/index.html</a> currently heig mailing list points to [[mailto:radioig@ivoa.net][radioig@ivoa.net]] - * *FIXED I believe; Note JE not the chair - since we're informal at this point but I set up the mail alias with the Doc coordinator, it serves as a contact for now.* * Next Mtg: *Wed April 3 @14:30 UTC* <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2024-01-31 - JanetEvans
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