---+ Minutes: GWS Telecon 2023-09-20 Time: 20-09-2023; 13:00 UTC VideoConf link: [[https://skatelescope.zoom.us/j/4371396863?pwd=bVl4ZThNeko4S3RSQnJxd0plVUkxZz09]] Online notes: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_GWS_Science_Platforms_Federated_Execution ---++++ Background information Computing Services: [[ComputingServicesAPI][https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ComputingServicesAPI]] Execution Planner: https://github.com/Zarquan/ExecutionPlanner ---++++ Main Topic. Science Platforms Federated Execution: Agenda ---++++ Attendees: 22 <div id="magicdomid6"> * Jesus Salgado - JS </div> <div id="magicdomid7"> * Sara Bertocco - SB </div> <div id="magicdomid8"> * Dave Morris - DM </div> <div id="magicdomid9"> * Brian Major </div> <div id="magicdomid10"> * Claudio Gheller </div> <div id="magicdomid11"> * David Aikema </div> <div id="magicdomid12"> * Gerard Lemson </div> <div id="magicdomid13"> * Rob Simmonds </div> <div id="magicdomid14"> * Chenzhou Cui </div> <div id="magicdomid15"> * Paul Harrison </div> <div id="magicdomid16"> * Susana Sanchez </div> <div id="magicdomid17"> * Vicente Navarro </div> <div id="magicdomid18"> * Zhijun Xu </div> <div id="magicdomid19"> * Tess Jaffe </div> <div id="magicdomid21"> * Severin Gaudet </div> <div id="magicdomid22"> * Renaud Savalle </div> <div id="magicdomid23"> * David Aikema </div> <div id="magicdomid24"> * James Collison </div> <div id="magicdomid25"> * Sara Nieto </div> <div id="magicdomid26"> * Rajesh Tamhane </div> <div id="magicdomid27"> * Andreas Wicenec </div> <div id="magicdomid28"> * Rohini Joshi <div id="magicdomid27"> </div> <div id="magicdomid28"> * Iulia Cimpan </div> </div> ---++++ Agenda * Introduction and presentation of concept - Jesus Salgado 15 * Execution Planner status and missing points - Dave Morris 15 * Open Discussion - All 15 * Identification of collaborators and Future plans 15 ---++++ Introduction and presentation of concept - Jesus Salgado <a href="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zow9L1hAAn3oLo3BRb_EDHmXQkLQ8zxO5DWXDQ_d9JA/" title="GWS - Federated Computing">https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zow9L1hAAn3oLo3BRb_EDHmXQkLQ8zxO5DWXDQ_d9JA/</a> <div id="magicdomid38">Connect sci plat on different centres.</div> <div id="magicdomid39">IVOA focus</div> <div id="magicdomid40">1 Discover data from different missions with different interfaces.</div> <div id="magicdomid41">2 connect services</div> <div id="magicdomid42">3 allow users to connect to services with interfaces</div> <div id="magicdomid43">We need to execute code as close as possible to the data.</div> <div id="magicdomid44">SRC net already provides some capabilities.</div> <div id="magicdomid45">The idea is to connect different platforms with different missions.</div> <div id="magicdomid46">A general picture of sci-plat</div> <div id="magicdomid47">Federated authentication, federated data lake,</div> <div id="magicdomid48">how to execute remotely (today's focus)</div> <div id="magicdomid49">standardize service to access data (not the main thing for today)</div> <div id="magicdomid50">How to use the software repository</div> <div id="magicdomid51">Some possible data mesh services, a sort of SODA approach. Define a set of operations on the data and expand soda to this set of operations.</div> <div id="magicdomid52">ExecutionPlanner description: run software on different platforms. Are you able to run this?</div> <div id="magicdomid53">A more complex approach uses an information system. The IVOA approach is more pragmatic.</div> <div id="magicdomid54">ExecPlanner: standardise the workflow description, and extend the UWS.</div> <div id="magicdomid55">Summary: federate auth protocol, maybe improve data access, simplify federated execution, and characterize workflow and hardware resources.</div> <div id="magicdomid56">Today's objectives: agree roadmap and collect interest and collaborators.</div> <div id="magicdomid57">Q(Simmonds): are there teams doing similar things?</div> <div id="magicdomid58">A(Jesus): It is some split what can be standard in IVOA and what can be standardized locally</div> <div id="magicdomid59">Q(Simmonds):: reimplement the grid?</div> <div id="magicdomid60">A(Jesus): we need a common solution in the current more heterogeneous environment (cloud, grid, ...)</div> ---++++ Execution Planner status and missing points - Dave Morris <div id="magicdomid64">Dave will describe the common web interface to have in common over whatever implementation. A federated system of different technologies.</div> <div id="magicdomid65">The document is based on a couple of years of work (presentations and collecting feedback) and is still a work in progress.</div> <div id="magicdomid66">Scope: Collect a group working on a prototype and developing a common understanding.</div> <div id="magicdomid67">Concept: "executable thing" can be a Python program (requires Python env) or a docker container (requires a container execution environment). The executable thing is described (see the document). Discoverable URL.</div> <div id="magicdomid68">Service interaction. For data in IVOA, we have services to discover cutouts of data. Execution Planner does not care about service discovery.</div> <div id="magicdomid69">Services interaction: Dave describes the exchange between client and service. The client makes a request with the "executable thing description", and the service answers with an offer.</div> <div id="magicdomid70">...</div> <div id="magicdomid71">Sara: Is the user or the execPlanner that calculates how long the job is?</div> <div id="magicdomid72">Dave: The user.</div> ---++++ Open Discussion - All Gheller: need to think about the data model description Dave: Dave is thinking about it. It is a type, which is a URI and then the spec, the specification with type-specific details. The structure comes from Kubernetes. Will try to have a vocabulary as simple as possible. <div id="magicdomid78">Jesus: should it be inside the execution planner standard or separate?</div> <div id="magicdomid79">Dave: by now a simple data model is proposed in ExecPlanner. More complex definitions need to go out of the ExecPlanner (see the GPU example in the document).</div> <div id="magicdomid80">Simmonds:</div> <div id="magicdomid81">Dave:</div> <div id="magicdomid82">Jesus: The data location is missing. Do you need a standard to do that?</div> <div id="magicdomid83">Simmonds: a lot of stuff has been done before (for data reconstruction).</div> <div id="magicdomid84">It seems to introduce complexity</div> <div id="magicdomid85">Dave: it seems because there are a lot of details. The implementation is really simple, it depends on the level of detail.</div> <div id="magicdomid86">Rohini:</div> <div id="magicdomid87">Dave: we have the distinction between batch and interactive. Everything is asynchronous. also when data has to be staged, the time needed is kept into account.</div> <div id="magicdomid88">Vincente Navarro: Developing a distributed pipeline implementation is difficult also in the same organization if you add multiple nodes. Provocative: Have you considered the possibility of using what already exists and putting it on top of an orchestration layer? We use CWL, airflow is becoming a standard. Why do not use an approach using these existing technologies?</div> <div id="magicdomid89">Dave: in a large federated environment someone has new tech, while others have pretty old systems, i.e. docker run, docker-compose, Kubernetes cluster... our interface does not care about details, only answer yes, I can run your container.</div> <div id="magicdomid90">Jesus: could we have a software stack to simplify this? The answer is no. Asked multiple partners.</div> <div id="magicdomid91">Vincente: S3 is the technology, not the standard. Is an industrial de facto standard and can help us to data access speeding up the process.</div> <div id="magicdomid92">Dave: totally agree that standardize....</div> <div id="magicdomid93">Vincente: there is plenty of work if you need, for example, to replicate the data volume.</div> <div id="magicdomid94">Severin: what do we need more on the specification to start with the prototyping?</div> <div id="magicdomid95">Dave: now we can start. what we publish now is an initial draft of the standard. The implementation of a really simple prototype could provide precious feedback to improve the standard.</div> <div id="magicdomid96">Jesus: will send an e-mail to understand if we are able to endorse the standard and find people to collaborate in prototyping. At IVOA Interop we will have a session to collaborate</div>
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2023-09-20 - 10:35
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2023-09-25 - JesusSalgado
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