---+ Minutes: GWS Telecon 2021-12-16 ---++++ Attendees: * Giuliano Taffoni * Brian Major * Sara Bertocco * Mark Taylor * John Palmieri * Dave Morris ---++++ Preliminary List of Items: * GMS status and updates * VOSpace <span style="background-color: transparent;">status and updates</span> * Execution Planner (https://github.com/ivoa/ExecutionPlannerNote) ---++++ Discussion: GWS: We will send a reminder to TCG for review. Execution planner: there is a note draft ready. ESCAPE project is the enviroment we design the "standard", however we need other test platforms BM suggests to use also CADC. DM: now we use two containerised desktops for training sessions at IVOA interop with topcat and Aladen. We discuss about the CADC implementation fo contenerised desktops. Also SciServer works with containers. The target is to verify if we can execute a simple code from the exec planner using different platforms. SSO: MT is working with Pat and Brian to converge towards a new SSO. PAt will create a wiki page that describes the new implementations. Topcat is used as tool to test the implementations, and TAP is used as service to interact with. We are working on tokens. VOSpace: we need to check with Sonia that is leaving the status and find someone else to guide the evolution towards the new standard. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2022-01-07 - GiulianoTaffoni
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