Etherpad Notes

DM Running meeting /03/02/2022

Participants: 11
Laurent Michel, Jesus Salgado, Marco Molinaro, Francois Bonnarel, Janet Evans, Gerard Lemson,
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, Tom Donaldson, Paul Harrison, Mireille Louys, Mathieu Servillat

  • Ongoing work status
LM description of the ADASS BoF on TAP and DMS
Different areas covered from presentation, annotation, browsing hierarchical data, stroting complex objects in TAP and query languages issues
Two propotypes presented
All the discussion will be described into the ADASS proceedings
GL: Effort developed on this area could be also interesting on mapping simulations on TAP
LM: Yes, this is similar to the provenance mapping presented by FB
GL: There are java classes and it is a relational approach
PH: I am progressing along these lines on code generation. If there is a VO/DML repository, a plugin could be written. Current work is in the line of mapping data to models
LM: the conclusion is that we need to use TAP. Discussion to continue in the list
Mireille presenting on the photDM 1.1
Review the VO/DML work in Modelio
And the pages with the documentation
ML showing the xml file and the html (human readable) file
New model is almost fully compatible with current serializations
GL: Some formating issues on the html with the css and the generated png not present
ML: If you provide support we could solve it
GL: Also there is a concept of preamble that could be used to be included automatically
  • Meas/Coords
Mark CD: Presentation of DM use cases implementations and also some Jupyter notebooks that make use of this models
Once this is approved, no major extra steps to start standardization
JE: Is this model ready for the next step?
LM: In principle yes as this is reused. One thing to test if the model is ready for interoperability.
TD: This is something that is something to be done and doable. Problem about versioning of mapping on data model. Probably not needed to have full sync but it is sometimes confusing to find the versioning link
FB: Is there a future for transform DM?
Mark CD: It should be the next to be worked out
  • Mapping Syntax, Mapping Library and Model Validation
LM: Presentation on the work done on the mapping syntax
Work documented into the ModelInstanceInVot into the IVOA github
Presentation of the new VOTable strucutre including the Resource Meta that contains pure XML with the VODML container
That includes: Report (on the mapping process), model, globals and templates
Three group of elements:
- Data Mapping
- Data Referencing
- Data Filtering
Work done based on Unit tests
One problem peding on element dm-mapping: tag. Support from schema experts requested
Python Client code being developed
From a XML DM serialization, a JSON serialization, Meas/Coords instances. PhotDM instance and other lib instances can be generated
Example with an astropy parser is able to get SkyCoords and other magnitudes from it
Live demostration of the jupyter notebook creating a model viewer and extracting metadata like Sky Coord
TD: This is fantastic. Volunteer to help on the astropy workflow to include it
MM: This is a way to prove validation and also to test inteoperability
Mark DM: This only proves validation partially, based on the point that astropy can be used but not in all the areas
LM: But this implies consistency on the model


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PDFpdf DMRunning-02-2022.pdf r1 manage 244.5 K 2022-02-03 - 17:57 LaurentMichel Meeting slides
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-02-03 - LaurentMichel
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