---+ Summary of the Applications Messaging Discussion ---++ Areas where we agree: * We will concentrate on application to application messaging for a single user on a single machine * We will have a hub/daemon process to control the messaging * The messaging system will be kept simple: no encryption, no transactions, guaranteed delivery etc * The messaging protocol will be decoupled from the semantics of the messages ---++ Areas where we probably agree * The messaging protocol will be defined independently of the details of any concrete implementation (this does not preclude such details also forming part of the specification) * Applications are free to spawn/include an instance of the hub/daemon, but should behave "nicely" (TBD) if they shut down or one is already running. * We won't attempt any clever hand-over from one hub/daemon instance to another. * Applications will be located dynamically (through the hub?), rather than from a remote or local registry * The mechanism used to bootstrap the connection to the hub/daemon will be simple ---++ Areas still to be discussed/agreed * A representative list of use cases (see follow up) * Precisely how we bootstrap the connection to the Hub/daemon * The messaging protocol * Which "wire" protocol(s) to use * Pretty much everything to do with the messages themselves * What we should aim to achieve by May As of 14 Mar 2007 <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r1 - 2007-03-14 - JohnTaylor
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