Searched: \.*

Results from Know web retrieved at 18:53 (GMT)


When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version W32PTH10.DLL .


Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one in the C:\xvz\bin directory.

-- PeterThoeny - 12 Mar 2000

Classification: No Disclosure outside the company


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: HP-UX

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: Linux

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: Mac OS

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: Solaris

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: SunOS

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

OS Version

Operating System: Windows

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Classification: Public FAQ


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Classification: Public Supported


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit WelcomeGuest in the TWiki.TWiki web first.

Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes only. It hardly contains any data, its purpose is to show how TWiki can be used as a knowledge base for support (e.g. as a web based help desk application).

The TWiki.Know knowledge base has the following functions:

  1. Submit Data to the Knowledge Base: Enter data that could be usefull for other support staff.
  2. Search the Knowledge Base: Search for a solution of a problem a customer has.
  3. Email Notification: Subscribe in WebNotify to get notified by email whenever the knowledge base gets updated.

Submit Data to the Knowledge Base

Please feel free to add any information you think can help the support staff solving problems. To contribute to the knowledge base, please create a new topic that contains a problem and solution (or workaround) pair.

To submit data to the Knowledge Base:

  • Think of a good topic name. It is recommended to use a name that describes the problem, e.g. an error message. The topic name should comply to the WikiNotation. An sample topic name for the error message Incorrect DLL version W32PTH10.DLL would be IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL.
  • The easiest way to create a new topic is to type in a new topic name into the edit field at the top of each page, press Enter and then click on the Create link at the bottom of the page.
  • Edit the new topic or copy & paste the text you already have.
  • Select the appropriate items in the TWiki.Know form. See WebForm for details. This allows detailed search in WebSearch later on.
  • [Preview Changes] and [Save Changes] when you are done.

Search the Knowledge Base

Please use the WebSearch topic to search for a solution to a problem.

Email Notification

Subscribe in WebNotify to get notified by email when the knowledge base gets updated. Support staff should subscribe to be notified, this is a good way to hone trouble shooting skills by having a look at newly submitted problem / solution pairs.

Category of a TWiki.Know topic

The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic:

When creating a topic it is important to set the appropriate values. This ensures that it is possible to do all kinds of query and search in WebSearch.

An explanation of the table items follows.

Warning: Can't find topic Know.UseCategory


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

OS Version

-- PeterThoeny - 20 Aug 2000


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

50 Recent Changes in Know Web retrieved at 18:53 (GMT)

Statistics for TWiki.Know Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Category of a TWiki.Know topic The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic: UseCategory: Tell if the category...
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you`d like, this Web...
Know Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can...
is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself...
TWiki`s Know web /view/Know The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.
See also the faster WebTopicList
See also the verbose WebIndex.
Form Definition for the Know web Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure,...
Query by Classification: No Disclosure, Public FAQ, Public Supported Query by platform: HP UX, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Mac OS, Windows...
TopicClassification Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of: NoDisclosure: Confidential No disclosure outside the company PublicFAQ: Public...
OS Version Text field. Enter the OS version if appropriate. See also WebForm, WebSearch
Operating System Check one or more platforms: OsHPUX: HP UX OsLinux: Linux OsSolaris: SUN`s Solaris OsSunOS: SUN`s SunOS OsMacOS...
Problem When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version DLL . Solution Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one...
If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first. Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes...
Problem I got a call from Bill offering me $500 for each Windows crash reported to Micro$oft. Solution Use Linux. TWikiGuest 10 Feb 1999
Classification: Public Supported Search all Public Supported topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Classification: No Disclosure outside the company Search all No Disclosure topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Classification: Public FAQ Search all Public FAQ topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Operating System: SunOS Search all SunOS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Solaris Search all Solaris topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Linux Search all Linux topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: HP UX Search all HP UX topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Mac OS Search all Mac OS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Windows Search all Windows topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
See OsSunOS
Number of topics: 29

Show recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes

Related topics: RSS feed, rounded corners RSS feed, ATOM feed, WebNotify, site changes, site map

Form Definition for the Know web

Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message:
TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure, PublicSupported, PublicFAQ Classify a topic
OperatingSystem checkbox+buttons 3 OsHPUX, OsLinux, OsMacOS, OsSolaris, OsSunOS, OsWin Select the OS
OsVersion text 16   OS version

Related Topic: WebPreferences, WebTopicEditTemplate, TWikiForms

Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web-based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you'd like, this Web is for demonstration purposes only)

Starting Points of the Know Web

  • ReadmeFirst tells you how to use and contribute to the knowlege base.
  • To submit a new problem - solution pair create a new topic like this: Type a new topic name into the edit field at the top of this page, press Enter, and then follow the [Create] link.
  • WebSearch can be used to search for a solution to a problem.


  • You are currently in the Know web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are.
  • If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration platform, please visit WelcomeGuest first.

Web Description Links
TWiki home with users and groups for access control
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
TWiki documentation, welcome, registration and other starting points
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Welcome to TWiki expandable virtual workspace.
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Welcome to TWiki expandable virtual workspace.
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Knowledge base set-up - Add TWikiForms for organizing & classifying content.
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Sandbox web to experiment in an unrestricted hands-on area
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
TIP Webs are colored coded for identification and reference. Contact if you need a workspace web for your team.

Legend: Search topic Search the web Statistics Usage statistics of the web
Recent changes See recent changes in the web Wrench, tools Web-specific preferences
Notify Subscribe to get notified of changes by e-mail  

Results from Know web retrieved at 18:53 (GMT)

Problem When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version DLL . Solution Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one...
Classification: No Disclosure outside the company Search all No Disclosure topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Operating System Check one or more platforms: OsHPUX: HP UX OsLinux: Linux OsSolaris: SUN`s Solaris OsSunOS: SUN`s SunOS OsMacOS...
Operating System: HP UX Search all HP UX topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Linux Search all Linux topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Mac OS Search all Mac OS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Solaris Search all Solaris topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: SunOS Search all SunOS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
OS Version Text field. Enter the OS version if appropriate. See also WebForm, WebSearch
Operating System: Windows Search all Windows topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Classification: Public FAQ Search all Public FAQ topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Classification: Public Supported Search all Public Supported topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first. Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes...
See OsSunOS
Category of a TWiki.Know topic The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic: UseCategory: Tell if the category...
TopicClassification Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of: NoDisclosure: Confidential No disclosure outside the company PublicFAQ: Public...
Form Definition for the Know web Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure,...
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you`d like, this Web...
See also the faster WebTopicList
is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself...
Know Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can...
TWiki`s Know web /view/Know The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.
Query by Classification: No Disclosure, Public FAQ, Public Supported Query by platform: HP UX, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Mac OS, Windows...
Statistics for TWiki.Know Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
See also the verbose WebIndex.
Problem I got a call from Bill offering me $500 for each Windows crash reported to Micro$oft. Solution Use Linux. TWikiGuest 10 Feb 1999
Number of topics: 29

See also the faster WebTopicList

WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself on the list below.

Note: It is helpful to insert your name in alphabetical order (by first name -- ignore the "Main.") -- then you can find your name (or not) more easily if you wish to remove it or confirm that you are on the list.

Know Web Preferences

The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWikiPreferences, and can be overwritten by user preferences (your personal topic, i.e. TWikiGuest in the TWiki.IVOA web)


  • Web specific background color: (Pick a lighter one of the StandardColors)
    • Set WEBBGCOLOR = #99ff66

  • List this web in the SiteMap:
    • If yes, Set SITEMAPLIST = on, and add the "what" and "use to..." description for the site map. Make sure to list only links that include the name of the web, e.g. Know.Topic links.
    • Set SITEMAPLIST = on
    • Set SITEMAPWHAT = Knowledge base set-up - Add TWikiForms for organizing & classifying content.
    • Set SITEMAPUSETO = Free-form collaboration.

  • Exclude web from a web="all" search: (Set to on for hidden webs)

  • Users or groups allowed to change or rename this WebPreferences topic: (I.e. TWikiAdminGroup)

  • Web preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by user preferences:


  • A preference is defined as:
    6 spaces * Set NAME = value
  • Preferences are used as TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example:
    • When you write variable %WEBBGCOLOR%, it gets expanded to #99ff66.
  • The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set WEBCOPYRIGHT before WIKIWEBMASTER since %WEBCOPYRIGHT% uses the %WIKIWEBMASTER% variable.
  • You can introduce new preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. There is no need to change the TWiki engine (Perl scripts).

Related Topics:

TWiki's Know web The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2024 by contributing authors TWiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of TWiki TWiki International Virtual Observatory Alliance.Know /internal/TWiki/TWikiPreferences/ivoa_logo137x77.jpg TWikiCategory Category of a TWiki.Know topic The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic: UseCategory: Tell if the category... (last changed by root) 2012-07-12T19:31:27Z unknown WebHome Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you`d like, this Web... (last changed by Ivoa) 2010-09-10T00:18:25Z ivoa WebPreferences Know Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can... (last changed by MarkusDolensky) 2006-03-30T13:54:21Z MarkusDolensky WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself... (last changed by MarcoLeoni) 2005-12-20T14:53:34Z MarcoLeoni WebSearchAdvanced (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2004-01-18T10:50:34Z unknown WebRss TWiki`s Know web /view/Know The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2003-01-30T08:15:00Z unknown WebIndex See also the faster WebTopicList (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-24T11:38:31Z unknown WebTopicList See also the verbose WebIndex. (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-24T11:38:05Z unknown WebTopicEditTemplate Problem . Solution . (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-08T03:34:24Z unknown WebForm Form Definition for the Know web Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure,... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-18T06:39:36Z unknown WebSearch Query by Classification: No Disclosure, Public FAQ, Public Supported Query by platform: HP UX, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Mac OS, Windows... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:20:55Z unknown TopicClassification TopicClassification Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of: NoDisclosure: Confidential No disclosure outside the company PublicFAQ: Public... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:14:30Z unknown OsVersion OS Version Text field. Enter the OS version if appropriate. See also WebForm, WebSearch (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:14:05Z unknown OperatingSystem Operating System Check one or more platforms: OsHPUX: HP UX OsLinux: Linux OsSolaris: SUN`s Solaris OsSunOS: SUN`s SunOS OsMacOS... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:13:36Z unknown IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL Problem When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version DLL . Solution Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:12:14Z unknown ReadmeFirst If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first. Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:10:55Z unknown

Web Search

RSS feed, rounded corners Get notified on changes on this search

Searched: \.*

Number of topics: 0

  Advanced search | Help
TIP: to search for all topics that contain "SOAP", "WSDL", a literal "web service", but not "shampoo", write: soap wsdl "web service" -shampoo
Search where:       
(otherwise search Know Web only)

Other search options:

Advanced Search

RSS feed, rounded corners Get notified on changes on this search

Searched: \.*

Results from Know web retrieved at 18:53 (GMT)


When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version W32PTH10.DLL .


Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one in the C:\xvz\bin directory.

-- PeterThoeny - 12 Mar 2000

Classification: No Disclosure outside the company


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: HP-UX

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: Linux

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: Mac OS

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: Solaris

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System: SunOS

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

OS Version

Operating System: Windows

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Classification: Public FAQ


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Classification: Public Supported


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit WelcomeGuest in the TWiki.TWiki web first.

Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes only. It hardly contains any data, its purpose is to show how TWiki can be used as a knowledge base for support (e.g. as a web based help desk application).

The TWiki.Know knowledge base has the following functions:

  1. Submit Data to the Knowledge Base: Enter data that could be usefull for other support staff.
  2. Search the Knowledge Base: Search for a solution of a problem a customer has.
  3. Email Notification: Subscribe in WebNotify to get notified by email whenever the knowledge base gets updated.

Submit Data to the Knowledge Base

Please feel free to add any information you think can help the support staff solving problems. To contribute to the knowledge base, please create a new topic that contains a problem and solution (or workaround) pair.

To submit data to the Knowledge Base:

  • Think of a good topic name. It is recommended to use a name that describes the problem, e.g. an error message. The topic name should comply to the WikiNotation. An sample topic name for the error message Incorrect DLL version W32PTH10.DLL would be IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL.
  • The easiest way to create a new topic is to type in a new topic name into the edit field at the top of each page, press Enter and then click on the Create link at the bottom of the page.
  • Edit the new topic or copy & paste the text you already have.
  • Select the appropriate items in the TWiki.Know form. See WebForm for details. This allows detailed search in WebSearch later on.
  • [Preview Changes] and [Save Changes] when you are done.

Search the Knowledge Base

Please use the WebSearch topic to search for a solution to a problem.

Email Notification

Subscribe in WebNotify to get notified by email when the knowledge base gets updated. Support staff should subscribe to be notified, this is a good way to hone trouble shooting skills by having a look at newly submitted problem / solution pairs.

Category of a TWiki.Know topic

The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic:

When creating a topic it is important to set the appropriate values. This ensures that it is possible to do all kinds of query and search in WebSearch.

An explanation of the table items follows.

Warning: Can't find topic Know.UseCategory


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

Operating System

Check one or more platforms:

The [Set] button will select all, [Clear] will clear all check boxes. (This works only with a JavaScript enabled browser)

See also WebForm, WebSearch

OS Version

-- PeterThoeny - 20 Aug 2000


Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of:

Please select one of the Classification when submitting a topic.

See also WebForm, WebSearch

50 Recent Changes in Know Web retrieved at 18:53 (GMT)

Statistics for TWiki.Know Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Category of a TWiki.Know topic The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic: UseCategory: Tell if the category...
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you`d like, this Web...
Know Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can...
is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself...
TWiki`s Know web /view/Know The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.
See also the faster WebTopicList
See also the verbose WebIndex.
Form Definition for the Know web Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure,...
Query by Classification: No Disclosure, Public FAQ, Public Supported Query by platform: HP UX, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Mac OS, Windows...
TopicClassification Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of: NoDisclosure: Confidential No disclosure outside the company PublicFAQ: Public...
OS Version Text field. Enter the OS version if appropriate. See also WebForm, WebSearch
Operating System Check one or more platforms: OsHPUX: HP UX OsLinux: Linux OsSolaris: SUN`s Solaris OsSunOS: SUN`s SunOS OsMacOS...
Problem When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version DLL . Solution Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one...
If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first. Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes...
Problem I got a call from Bill offering me $500 for each Windows crash reported to Micro$oft. Solution Use Linux. TWikiGuest 10 Feb 1999
Classification: Public Supported Search all Public Supported topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Classification: No Disclosure outside the company Search all No Disclosure topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Classification: Public FAQ Search all Public FAQ topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Operating System: SunOS Search all SunOS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Solaris Search all Solaris topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Linux Search all Linux topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: HP UX Search all HP UX topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Mac OS Search all Mac OS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Windows Search all Windows topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
See OsSunOS
Number of topics: 29

Show recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes

Related topics: RSS feed, rounded corners RSS feed, ATOM feed, WebNotify, site changes, site map

Form Definition for the Know web

Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message:
TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure, PublicSupported, PublicFAQ Classify a topic
OperatingSystem checkbox+buttons 3 OsHPUX, OsLinux, OsMacOS, OsSolaris, OsSunOS, OsWin Select the OS
OsVersion text 16   OS version

Related Topic: WebPreferences, WebTopicEditTemplate, TWikiForms

Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web-based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you'd like, this Web is for demonstration purposes only)

Starting Points of the Know Web

  • ReadmeFirst tells you how to use and contribute to the knowlege base.
  • To submit a new problem - solution pair create a new topic like this: Type a new topic name into the edit field at the top of this page, press Enter, and then follow the [Create] link.
  • WebSearch can be used to search for a solution to a problem.


  • You are currently in the Know web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are.
  • If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration platform, please visit WelcomeGuest first.

Web Description Links
TWiki home with users and groups for access control
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
TWiki documentation, welcome, registration and other starting points
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Welcome to TWiki expandable virtual workspace.
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Welcome to TWiki expandable virtual workspace.
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Knowledge base set-up - Add TWikiForms for organizing & classifying content.
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
Sandbox web to experiment in an unrestricted hands-on area
Search Changes Notification Statistics Preferences
TIP Webs are colored coded for identification and reference. Contact if you need a workspace web for your team.

Legend: Search topic Search the web Statistics Usage statistics of the web
Recent changes See recent changes in the web Wrench, tools Web-specific preferences
Notify Subscribe to get notified of changes by e-mail  

Results from Know web retrieved at 18:53 (GMT)

Problem When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version DLL . Solution Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one...
Classification: No Disclosure outside the company Search all No Disclosure topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Operating System Check one or more platforms: OsHPUX: HP UX OsLinux: Linux OsSolaris: SUN`s Solaris OsSunOS: SUN`s SunOS OsMacOS...
Operating System: HP UX Search all HP UX topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Linux Search all Linux topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Mac OS Search all Mac OS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: Solaris Search all Solaris topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Operating System: SunOS Search all SunOS topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
OS Version Text field. Enter the OS version if appropriate. See also WebForm, WebSearch
Operating System: Windows Search all Windows topics. Is one of the OperatingSystems.
Classification: Public FAQ Search all Public FAQ topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
Classification: Public Supported Search all Public Supported topics. Is one of the TopicClassifications.
If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first. Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes...
See OsSunOS
Category of a TWiki.Know topic The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic: UseCategory: Tell if the category...
TopicClassification Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of: NoDisclosure: Confidential No disclosure outside the company PublicFAQ: Public...
Form Definition for the Know web Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure,...
Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you`d like, this Web...
See also the faster WebTopicList
is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself...
Know Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can...
TWiki`s Know web /view/Know The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.
Query by Classification: No Disclosure, Public FAQ, Public Supported Query by platform: HP UX, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Mac OS, Windows...
Statistics for TWiki.Know Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
See also the verbose WebIndex.
Problem I got a call from Bill offering me $500 for each Windows crash reported to Micro$oft. Solution Use Linux. TWikiGuest 10 Feb 1999
Number of topics: 29

See also the faster WebTopicList

WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself on the list below.

Note: It is helpful to insert your name in alphabetical order (by first name -- ignore the "Main.") -- then you can find your name (or not) more easily if you wish to remove it or confirm that you are on the list.

Know Web Preferences

The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWikiPreferences, and can be overwritten by user preferences (your personal topic, i.e. TWikiGuest in the TWiki.IVOA web)


  • Web specific background color: (Pick a lighter one of the StandardColors)
    • Set WEBBGCOLOR = #99ff66

  • List this web in the SiteMap:
    • If yes, Set SITEMAPLIST = on, and add the "what" and "use to..." description for the site map. Make sure to list only links that include the name of the web, e.g. Know.Topic links.
    • Set SITEMAPLIST = on
    • Set SITEMAPWHAT = Knowledge base set-up - Add TWikiForms for organizing & classifying content.
    • Set SITEMAPUSETO = Free-form collaboration.

  • Exclude web from a web="all" search: (Set to on for hidden webs)

  • Users or groups allowed to change or rename this WebPreferences topic: (I.e. TWikiAdminGroup)

  • Web preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by user preferences:


  • A preference is defined as:
    6 spaces * Set NAME = value
  • Preferences are used as TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example:
    • When you write variable %WEBBGCOLOR%, it gets expanded to #99ff66.
  • The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set WEBCOPYRIGHT before WIKIWEBMASTER since %WEBCOPYRIGHT% uses the %WIKIWEBMASTER% variable.
  • You can introduce new preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. There is no need to change the TWiki engine (Perl scripts).

Related Topics:

TWiki's Know web The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2024 by contributing authors TWiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of TWiki TWiki International Virtual Observatory Alliance.Know /internal/TWiki/TWikiPreferences/ivoa_logo137x77.jpg TWikiCategory Category of a TWiki.Know topic The bottom part of a TWiki.Know topic has a category table. It is used to categorize a topic: UseCategory: Tell if the category... (last changed by root) 2012-07-12T19:31:27Z unknown WebHome Welcome to the home of TWiki.Know. This is a web based collaboration area used as a knowledge base to find useful information for ... (anything you`d like, this Web... (last changed by Ivoa) 2010-09-10T00:18:25Z ivoa WebPreferences Know Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Know web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can... (last changed by MarkusDolensky) 2006-03-30T13:54:21Z MarkusDolensky WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Know web. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself... (last changed by MarcoLeoni) 2005-12-20T14:53:34Z MarcoLeoni WebSearchAdvanced (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2004-01-18T10:50:34Z unknown WebRss TWiki`s Know web /view/Know The knowledge base web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2003-01-30T08:15:00Z unknown WebIndex See also the faster WebTopicList (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-24T11:38:31Z unknown WebTopicList See also the verbose WebIndex. (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-24T11:38:05Z unknown WebTopicEditTemplate Problem . Solution . (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-11-08T03:34:24Z unknown WebForm Form Definition for the Know web Name: Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicClassification select 1 Select one..., NoDisclosure,... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-18T06:39:36Z unknown WebSearch Query by Classification: No Disclosure, Public FAQ, Public Supported Query by platform: HP UX, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, Mac OS, Windows... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:20:55Z unknown TopicClassification TopicClassification Used to classify a topic in TWiki.Know. Select one of: NoDisclosure: Confidential No disclosure outside the company PublicFAQ: Public... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:14:30Z unknown OsVersion OS Version Text field. Enter the OS version if appropriate. See also WebForm, WebSearch (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:14:05Z unknown OperatingSystem Operating System Check one or more platforms: OsHPUX: HP UX OsLinux: Linux OsSolaris: SUN`s Solaris OsSunOS: SUN`s SunOS OsMacOS... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:13:36Z unknown IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL Problem When I start the application Xyz it shows error message Incorrect DLL version DLL . Solution Download the attached file W32PTH10.DLL and replace the one... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:12:14Z unknown ReadmeFirst If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit .WelcomeGuest in the TWiki. web first. Note: The TWiki.Know web is for demonstration purposes... (last changed by PeterThoeny) 2001-09-04T07:10:55Z unknown

Web Search

RSS feed, rounded corners Get notified on changes on this search

Searched: \.*

Number of topics: 0

  Advanced search | Help
TIP: to search for all topics that contain "SOAP", "WSDL", a literal "web service", but not "shampoo", write: soap wsdl "web service" -shampoo
Search where:       
(otherwise search Know Web only)

Other search options:
Can't INCLUDE TWiki.WebSearchAdvanced repeatedly, topic is already included.

Statistics for TWiki.Know Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
2024-07 690
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
139 WebHome
  45 WebSearch
  39 WebForm
  36 WebIndex
  30 WebPreferences
  27 WebChanges
  24 WebNotify
  24 ReadmeFirst
  24 WebSearchAdvanced
  23 WebTopicList
2024-06 1934
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
305 WebHome
175 WebForm
171 WebChanges
164 WebSearch
150 WebPreferences
100 WebNotify
  99 ReadmeFirst
  78 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  77 WebIndex
  49 OsLinux
2024-05 2044
(3 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
295 WebForm
278 WebHome
172 WebChanges
124 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
119 WebSearch
116 WebPreferences
  93 ReadmeFirst
  84 WebNotify
  59 OperatingSystem
  52 WebSearchAdvanced
2024-04 1675
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
293 WebForm
226 WebHome
113 WebChanges
  92 WebSearch
  90 WebPreferences
  62 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  59 ReadmeFirst
  58 WebIndex
  53 OsLinux
  52 WebTopicEditTemplate
2024-03 753
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
137 WebHome
  82 WebSearch
  56 WebChanges
  29 WebIndex
  28 OsLinux
  27 WebForm
  26 WebPreferences
  24 OsSunOS
  24 WebTopicList
  24 WebNotify
2024-02 1359
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
684 WebHome
  67 WebSearch
  66 WebChanges
  49 WebPreferences
  37 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  32 WebForm
  30 WebNotify
  27 WebSearchAdvanced
  27 WebIndex
  25 OsWin
2024-01 1274
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
283 WebHome
  97 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  90 WebSearch
  78 WebChanges
  60 WebPreferences
  54 WebTopicEditTemplate
  48 WebForm
  39 ReadmeFirst
  37 WebSearchAdvanced
  36 WebIndex
2023-12 1740
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
185 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
179 WebHome
121 WebForm
119 WebSearch
115 WebPreferences
  86 WebTopicEditTemplate
  81 WebNotify
  78 ReadmeFirst
  71 WebChanges
  56 OperatingSystem
2023-11 865
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
217 WebHome
  54 WebSearch
  49 WebChanges
  35 WebSearchAdvanced
  32 WebNotify
  32 WebPreferences
  26 OperatingSystem
  26 WebForm
  26 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  26 WebIndex
2023-10 693
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
103 WebHome
  52 WebSearch
  46 WebPreferences
  38 WebChanges
  36 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  34 WebNotify
  30 ReadmeFirst
  28 WebSearchAdvanced
  27 WebForm
  25 WebTopicEditTemplate
2023-09 627
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
125 WebHome
  78 WebSearch
  52 WebSearchAdvanced
  47 WebChanges
  31 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  27 WebPreferences
  26 ReadmeFirst
  24 WebNotify
  24 WebTopicList
  17 WebIndex
2023-08 974
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
153 WebHome
110 WebSearch
  81 WebSearchAdvanced
  66 WebChanges
  63 WebForm
  45 ReadmeFirst
  42 WebPreferences
  34 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  33 WebNotify
  30 WebIndex
2023-07 664
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
71 WebHome
65 WebSearch
51 WebPreferences
49 WebChanges
36 WebForm
34 WebNotify
31 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
27 WebSearchAdvanced
26 WebTopicEditTemplate
22 WebIndex
2023-06 358
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
52 WebHome
34 WebSearch
21 WebPreferences
21 WebChanges
20 WebNotify
16 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
15 WebForm
15 OsWin
14 WebSearchAdvanced
12 WebIndex
2023-05 647
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
84 WebHome
66 WebChanges
65 WebSearch
51 WebPreferences
36 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
34 WebSearchAdvanced
22 WebNotify
21 WebForm
21 ReadmeFirst
19 SunOS
2023-04 1045
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
161 WebSearch
130 WebHome
  95 WebChanges
  72 WebSearchAdvanced
  56 WebForm
  50 WebNotify
  44 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  41 WebPreferences
  41 ReadmeFirst
  28 WebTopicEditTemplate
2023-03 570
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
85 WebSearch
72 WebSearchAdvanced
68 WebHome
40 WebChanges
22 WebNotify
18 PublicFAQ
17 WebPreferences
16 WebForm
15 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
15 ReadmeFirst
2023-02 683
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
117 WebHome
  84 WebSearch
  65 WebSearchAdvanced
  60 WebChanges
  39 WebPreferences
  24 WebNotify
  21 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  18 WebIndex
  18 WebTopicEditTemplate
  17 ReadmeFirst
2023-01 865
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
123 WebSearch
102 WebSearchAdvanced
100 WebHome
  44 WebPreferences
  44 WebChanges
  35 WebNotify
  29 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  26 WebForm
  24 TopicClassification
  23 OsWin
2022-12 754
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
111 WebHome
109 WebSearch
  90 WebSearchAdvanced
  49 WebChanges
  36 ReadmeFirst
  24 WebIndex
  22 WebNotify
  21 TWikiCategory
  20 WebTopicList
  20 PublicSupported
2012-07 58 0 0  23 WebHome
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNotify
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebIndex
  2 PublicSupported
  2 WebPreferences
  2 ReadmeFirst
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jul 2008 2443 0 0 1612 WebStatistics
144 WebHome
107 WebForm
 67 WebNotify
 40 WebSearch
 39 WebChanges
 33 ReadmeFirst
 29 PublicFAQ
 28 WebPreferences
 27 WebTopicEditTemplate
 27 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
Jun 2008 5302 0 0 4496 WebStatistics
191 WebHome
115 WebForm
 66 WebSearch
 54 WebNotify
 45 WebChanges
 29 WebPreferences
 25 WebTopicList
 25 ReadmeFirst
 25 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 19 WebIndex
May 2008 1875 0 0 1189 WebStatistics
166 WebHome
 70 WebPreferences
 57 WebForm
 48 WebSearch
 44 WebNotify
 43 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 27 ReadmeFirst
 25 WebChanges
 24 WebTopicList
 20 TWikiCategory
Apr 2008 2978 0 0 2448 WebStatistics
119 WebHome
 83 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 57 WebForm
 31 WebPreferences
 27 WebSearch
 25 ReadmeFirst
 17 WebNotify
 17 WebTopicEditTemplate
 13 TopicClassification
 13 OperatingSystem
Feb 2008 191 0 0  22 WebPreferences
 18 WebStatistics
 12 WebHome
 12 WebForm
 11 OperatingSystem
  9 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  8 WebNotify
  7 NoDisclosure
  7 TWikiCategory
  7 OsLinux
  6 WebSearch
Jan 2008 135 0 0  11 WebForm
 11 WebPreferences
 10 WebStatistics
  8 WebHome
  8 WebNotify
  8 OperatingSystem
  7 TWikiCategory
  6 OsVersion
  6 TopicClassification
  6 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  6 OsSunOS
Dec 2007 127 0 0  19 WebStatistics
 12 WebHome
 10 WebSearch
 10 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  7 OperatingSystem
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebTopicEditTemplate
  5 TWikiCategory
  4 OsWin
  4 WebForm
Nov 2007 135 0 0  18 WebHome
 11 WebForm
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebPreferences
  9 WebStatistics
  8 WebSearch
  7 WebTopicEditTemplate
  6 WebIndex
  6 OsSolaris
  5 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebRss
Sep 2007 79 0 0  40 WebStatistics
 13 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 11 WebForm
  2 OsVersion
  2 WebPreferences
  2 TopicClassification
  1 WebTopicList
  1 OsWin
  1 OsLinux
  1 OsMacOS
  1 WebSearch
Aug 2007 107 0 0  23 WebHome
  9 WebStatistics
  7 WebSearch
  6 WebTopicEditTemplate
  5 WebChanges
  5 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebPreferences
  4 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  4 PublicFAQ
  4 OperatingSystem
Nov 2006 58 0 0  24 WebForm
  4 WebPreferences
  3 WebHome
  3 NoDisclosure
  3 ReadmeFirst
  3 OperatingSystem
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 OsHPUX
  2 WebStatistics
  2 PublicFAQ
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Apr 2006 62 0 0  26 WebStatistics
  9 WebHome
  4 WebSearch
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebRss
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
  1 WebNotify
  1 PublicSupported
  1 SunOS
Jan 2006 4 0 0   4 WebHome  
Dec 2005 52 1 0  20 WebHome
  4 WebNotify
  3 WebSearch
  2 NoDisclosure
  2 TopicClassification
  2 WebChanges
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  2 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebTopicList
  1 MarcoLeoni
Nov 2005 86 0 0  25 WebHome
  9 WebChanges
  7 WebSearch
  5 WebNotify
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebRss
  4 WebPreferences
  4 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebStatistics
  2 NoDisclosure
Oct 2005 44 0 0  17 WebHome
  4 OperatingSystem
  4 WebChanges
  2 OsHPUX
  2 OsWin
  2 OsLinux
  2 WebStatistics
  2 PublicFAQ
  2 OsSolaris
  2 PublicSupported
  2 OsVersion
Sep 2005 65 0 0  20 WebHome
  7 WebNotify
  7 WebSearch
  6 WebChanges
  2 ReadmeFirst
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
  1 WebRss
  1 PublicSupported
  1 WebForm
Aug 2005 82 0 0  27 WebHome
 10 WebStatistics
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebNotify
  4 ReadmeFirst
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebRss
  1 WinDoze95Crash
Jul 2005 58 0 0  13 WebHome
  8 WebChanges
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebIndex
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jun 2005 26 0 0  19 WebHome
  2 WebPreferences
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebChanges
  1 OsLinux
May 2005 85 0 0  19 WebHome
  5 OsHPUX
  4 WebSearch
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebChanges
  3 ReadmeFirst
  3 OsMacOS
  3 OperatingSystem
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
Nov 2004 0 0 0    
Oct 2004 30 0 0   4 WebHome
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebForm
  2 TWikiCategory
  2 SunOS
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 PublicSupported
  2 PublicFAQ
  2 OsWin
  2 OsSolaris
Sep 2004 73 0 0  10 WebHome
  7 WebChanges
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebIndex
  4 WebTopicList
  3 WebStatistics
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebRss
  3 WebPreferences
  3 ReadmeFirst
Aug 2004 425 2 0  44 WebSearch
 32 WebHome
 29 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 27 WebForm
 22 WebNotify
 19 WebTopicEditTemplate
 18 WebChanges
 17 OperatingSystem
 15 TopicClassification
 15 TWikiCategory
 15 ReadmeFirst
  2 MarcoLeoni
Jul 2004 68 0 0   9 WebHome
  6 WebSearch
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebChanges
  3 WebPreferences
  3 TopicClassification
  3 PublicSupported
  3 OsLinux
  3 OsHPUX
  3 NoDisclosure
  2 WinDoze95Crash
Jun 2004 39 0 0  16 WebHome
  4 WebTopicList
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebForm
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebSearch
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebIndex
May 2004 58 0 0  19 WebHome
  5 WebNotify
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebIndex
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 OperatingSystem
  1 WinDoze95Crash
Apr 2004 76 0 0  12 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebNotify
  3 WebTopicEditTemplate
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebForm
  3 TopicClassification
  3 ReadmeFirst
Mar 2004 65 3 0  14 WebHome
  7 WebStatistics
  5 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebForm
  2 TopicClassification
  3 MarcoLeoni
Feb 2004 41 0 0  24 WebHome
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebChanges
  1 TopicClassification
  1 TWikiCategory
  1 ReadmeFirst
Jan 2004 32 0 0  17 WebHome
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebSearch
  2 OsLinux
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebChanges
  1 ReadmeFirst
  1 PublicSupported
  1 OsSolaris
Dec 2003 127 0 0  20 WebHome
 10 WebSearch
  7 WebChanges
  7 PublicFAQ
  6 ReadmeFirst
  5 WebStatistics
  5 TopicClassification
  5 OsVersion
  5 OsLinux
  5 OperatingSystem
  4 WebTopicList
Nov 2003 12 0 0  10 WebHome
  1 WebIndex
  1 ReadmeFirst
Oct 2003 50 1 0  16 WebHome
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebIndex
  2 TopicClassification
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 PublicFAQ
  2 OsWin
  2 OsLinux
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 MarcoLeoni
Sep 2003 9 0 0   7 WebHome
  1 WebNotify
  1 ReadmeFirst
Aug 2003 25 0 0   8 WebHome
  4 OsLinux
  3 OperatingSystem
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebNotify
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebForm
  1 TWikiCategory
  1 PublicFAQ
Jul 2003 97 2 0  19 WebHome
  9 WebStatistics
  8 WebNotify
  7 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebForm
  4 WebChanges
  4 OsWin
  4 OsSolaris
  3 WinDoze95Crash
  2 MarcoLeoni
Jun 2003 18 0 0  11 WebHome
  2 WebTopicList
  2 ReadmeFirst
  1 WebStatistics
  1 OsLinux
  1 OperatingSystem
May 2003 33 0 0  14 WebHome
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebChanges
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 OperatingSystem
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
  1 OsVersion
Apr 2003 33 0 0  21 WebHome
  3 ReadmeFirst
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebChanges
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
Mar 2003 50 0 0  19 WebHome
  6 ReadmeFirst
  3 WebIndex
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebChanges
  2 NoDisclosure
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebNotify
  1 TopicClassification
Feb 2003 53 1 0  19 WebHome
  4 ReadmeFirst
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 MarcoLeoni
Jan 2003 36 0 0   6 WebHome
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebIndex
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebForm
  1 WebChanges
Dec 2002 42 0 0   6 WebHome
  3 ReadmeFirst
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebChanges
  2 OsLinux
  1 WinDoze95Crash
Nov 2002 5 2 0   3 WebHome
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  2 MarcoLeoni
Oct 2002 16 5 0   9 WebHome
  7 WebNotify
  5 MarcoLeoni


  • Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. (You can also force an update)
  • TWikiDocumentation tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.





-- TWikiGuest - 2024-07-22


I got a call from Bill offering me $500 for each Windows crash reported to Micro$oft.


Use Linux.

-- TWikiGuest - 10 Feb 1999

Number of topics: 29

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Statistics for TWiki.Know Web

Month: Topic
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topic save and uploads:
2024-07 690
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
139 WebHome
  45 WebSearch
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  36 WebIndex
  30 WebPreferences
  27 WebChanges
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  24 ReadmeFirst
  24 WebSearchAdvanced
  23 WebTopicList
2024-06 1934
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
305 WebHome
175 WebForm
171 WebChanges
164 WebSearch
150 WebPreferences
100 WebNotify
  99 ReadmeFirst
  78 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  77 WebIndex
  49 OsLinux
2024-05 2044
(3 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
295 WebForm
278 WebHome
172 WebChanges
124 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
119 WebSearch
116 WebPreferences
  93 ReadmeFirst
  84 WebNotify
  59 OperatingSystem
  52 WebSearchAdvanced
2024-04 1675
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
293 WebForm
226 WebHome
113 WebChanges
  92 WebSearch
  90 WebPreferences
  62 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  59 ReadmeFirst
  58 WebIndex
  53 OsLinux
  52 WebTopicEditTemplate
2024-03 753
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
137 WebHome
  82 WebSearch
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  29 WebIndex
  28 OsLinux
  27 WebForm
  26 WebPreferences
  24 OsSunOS
  24 WebTopicList
  24 WebNotify
2024-02 1359
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
684 WebHome
  67 WebSearch
  66 WebChanges
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  37 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  32 WebForm
  30 WebNotify
  27 WebSearchAdvanced
  27 WebIndex
  25 OsWin
2024-01 1274
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
283 WebHome
  97 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  90 WebSearch
  78 WebChanges
  60 WebPreferences
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  48 WebForm
  39 ReadmeFirst
  37 WebSearchAdvanced
  36 WebIndex
2023-12 1740
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
185 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
179 WebHome
121 WebForm
119 WebSearch
115 WebPreferences
  86 WebTopicEditTemplate
  81 WebNotify
  78 ReadmeFirst
  71 WebChanges
  56 OperatingSystem
2023-11 865
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
217 WebHome
  54 WebSearch
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  35 WebSearchAdvanced
  32 WebNotify
  32 WebPreferences
  26 OperatingSystem
  26 WebForm
  26 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  26 WebIndex
2023-10 693
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
103 WebHome
  52 WebSearch
  46 WebPreferences
  38 WebChanges
  36 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  34 WebNotify
  30 ReadmeFirst
  28 WebSearchAdvanced
  27 WebForm
  25 WebTopicEditTemplate
2023-09 627
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
125 WebHome
  78 WebSearch
  52 WebSearchAdvanced
  47 WebChanges
  31 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  27 WebPreferences
  26 ReadmeFirst
  24 WebNotify
  24 WebTopicList
  17 WebIndex
2023-08 974
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
153 WebHome
110 WebSearch
  81 WebSearchAdvanced
  66 WebChanges
  63 WebForm
  45 ReadmeFirst
  42 WebPreferences
  34 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  33 WebNotify
  30 WebIndex
2023-07 664
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
71 WebHome
65 WebSearch
51 WebPreferences
49 WebChanges
36 WebForm
34 WebNotify
31 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
27 WebSearchAdvanced
26 WebTopicEditTemplate
22 WebIndex
2023-06 358
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
52 WebHome
34 WebSearch
21 WebPreferences
21 WebChanges
20 WebNotify
16 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
15 WebForm
15 OsWin
14 WebSearchAdvanced
12 WebIndex
2023-05 647
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
84 WebHome
66 WebChanges
65 WebSearch
51 WebPreferences
36 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
34 WebSearchAdvanced
22 WebNotify
21 WebForm
21 ReadmeFirst
19 SunOS
2023-04 1045
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
161 WebSearch
130 WebHome
  95 WebChanges
  72 WebSearchAdvanced
  56 WebForm
  50 WebNotify
  44 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  41 WebPreferences
  41 ReadmeFirst
  28 WebTopicEditTemplate
2023-03 570
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
85 WebSearch
72 WebSearchAdvanced
68 WebHome
40 WebChanges
22 WebNotify
18 PublicFAQ
17 WebPreferences
16 WebForm
15 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
15 ReadmeFirst
2023-02 683
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
117 WebHome
  84 WebSearch
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  60 WebChanges
  39 WebPreferences
  24 WebNotify
  21 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  18 WebIndex
  18 WebTopicEditTemplate
  17 ReadmeFirst
2023-01 865
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
123 WebSearch
102 WebSearchAdvanced
100 WebHome
  44 WebPreferences
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  35 WebNotify
  29 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  26 WebForm
  24 TopicClassification
  23 OsWin
2022-12 754
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
111 WebHome
109 WebSearch
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  49 WebChanges
  36 ReadmeFirst
  24 WebIndex
  22 WebNotify
  21 TWikiCategory
  20 WebTopicList
  20 PublicSupported
2012-07 58 0 0  23 WebHome
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNotify
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebIndex
  2 PublicSupported
  2 WebPreferences
  2 ReadmeFirst
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jul 2008 2443 0 0 1612 WebStatistics
144 WebHome
107 WebForm
 67 WebNotify
 40 WebSearch
 39 WebChanges
 33 ReadmeFirst
 29 PublicFAQ
 28 WebPreferences
 27 WebTopicEditTemplate
 27 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
Jun 2008 5302 0 0 4496 WebStatistics
191 WebHome
115 WebForm
 66 WebSearch
 54 WebNotify
 45 WebChanges
 29 WebPreferences
 25 WebTopicList
 25 ReadmeFirst
 25 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 19 WebIndex
May 2008 1875 0 0 1189 WebStatistics
166 WebHome
 70 WebPreferences
 57 WebForm
 48 WebSearch
 44 WebNotify
 43 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 27 ReadmeFirst
 25 WebChanges
 24 WebTopicList
 20 TWikiCategory
Apr 2008 2978 0 0 2448 WebStatistics
119 WebHome
 83 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 57 WebForm
 31 WebPreferences
 27 WebSearch
 25 ReadmeFirst
 17 WebNotify
 17 WebTopicEditTemplate
 13 TopicClassification
 13 OperatingSystem
Feb 2008 191 0 0  22 WebPreferences
 18 WebStatistics
 12 WebHome
 12 WebForm
 11 OperatingSystem
  9 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  8 WebNotify
  7 NoDisclosure
  7 TWikiCategory
  7 OsLinux
  6 WebSearch
Jan 2008 135 0 0  11 WebForm
 11 WebPreferences
 10 WebStatistics
  8 WebHome
  8 WebNotify
  8 OperatingSystem
  7 TWikiCategory
  6 OsVersion
  6 TopicClassification
  6 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  6 OsSunOS
Dec 2007 127 0 0  19 WebStatistics
 12 WebHome
 10 WebSearch
 10 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  7 OperatingSystem
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebTopicEditTemplate
  5 TWikiCategory
  4 OsWin
  4 WebForm
Nov 2007 135 0 0  18 WebHome
 11 WebForm
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebPreferences
  9 WebStatistics
  8 WebSearch
  7 WebTopicEditTemplate
  6 WebIndex
  6 OsSolaris
  5 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebRss
Sep 2007 79 0 0  40 WebStatistics
 13 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 11 WebForm
  2 OsVersion
  2 WebPreferences
  2 TopicClassification
  1 WebTopicList
  1 OsWin
  1 OsLinux
  1 OsMacOS
  1 WebSearch
Aug 2007 107 0 0  23 WebHome
  9 WebStatistics
  7 WebSearch
  6 WebTopicEditTemplate
  5 WebChanges
  5 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebPreferences
  4 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
  4 PublicFAQ
  4 OperatingSystem
Nov 2006 58 0 0  24 WebForm
  4 WebPreferences
  3 WebHome
  3 NoDisclosure
  3 ReadmeFirst
  3 OperatingSystem
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 OsHPUX
  2 WebStatistics
  2 PublicFAQ
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Apr 2006 62 0 0  26 WebStatistics
  9 WebHome
  4 WebSearch
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebRss
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
  1 WebNotify
  1 PublicSupported
  1 SunOS
Jan 2006 4 0 0   4 WebHome  
Dec 2005 52 1 0  20 WebHome
  4 WebNotify
  3 WebSearch
  2 NoDisclosure
  2 TopicClassification
  2 WebChanges
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  2 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebTopicList
  1 MarcoLeoni
Nov 2005 86 0 0  25 WebHome
  9 WebChanges
  7 WebSearch
  5 WebNotify
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebRss
  4 WebPreferences
  4 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebStatistics
  2 NoDisclosure
Oct 2005 44 0 0  17 WebHome
  4 OperatingSystem
  4 WebChanges
  2 OsHPUX
  2 OsWin
  2 OsLinux
  2 WebStatistics
  2 PublicFAQ
  2 OsSolaris
  2 PublicSupported
  2 OsVersion
Sep 2005 65 0 0  20 WebHome
  7 WebNotify
  7 WebSearch
  6 WebChanges
  2 ReadmeFirst
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
  1 WebRss
  1 PublicSupported
  1 WebForm
Aug 2005 82 0 0  27 WebHome
 10 WebStatistics
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebNotify
  4 ReadmeFirst
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebRss
  1 WinDoze95Crash
Jul 2005 58 0 0  13 WebHome
  8 WebChanges
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebIndex
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jun 2005 26 0 0  19 WebHome
  2 WebPreferences
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebChanges
  1 OsLinux
May 2005 85 0 0  19 WebHome
  5 OsHPUX
  4 WebSearch
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebChanges
  3 ReadmeFirst
  3 OsMacOS
  3 OperatingSystem
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
Nov 2004 0 0 0    
Oct 2004 30 0 0   4 WebHome
  2 WinDoze95Crash
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebForm
  2 TWikiCategory
  2 SunOS
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 PublicSupported
  2 PublicFAQ
  2 OsWin
  2 OsSolaris
Sep 2004 73 0 0  10 WebHome
  7 WebChanges
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebIndex
  4 WebTopicList
  3 WebStatistics
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebRss
  3 WebPreferences
  3 ReadmeFirst
Aug 2004 425 2 0  44 WebSearch
 32 WebHome
 29 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL
 27 WebForm
 22 WebNotify
 19 WebTopicEditTemplate
 18 WebChanges
 17 OperatingSystem
 15 TopicClassification
 15 TWikiCategory
 15 ReadmeFirst
  2 MarcoLeoni
Jul 2004 68 0 0   9 WebHome
  6 WebSearch
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebChanges
  3 WebPreferences
  3 TopicClassification
  3 PublicSupported
  3 OsLinux
  3 OsHPUX
  3 NoDisclosure
  2 WinDoze95Crash
Jun 2004 39 0 0  16 WebHome
  4 WebTopicList
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebForm
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebSearch
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebIndex
May 2004 58 0 0  19 WebHome
  5 WebNotify
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebIndex
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 OperatingSystem
  1 WinDoze95Crash
Apr 2004 76 0 0  12 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebChanges
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebNotify
  3 WebTopicEditTemplate
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebForm
  3 TopicClassification
  3 ReadmeFirst
Mar 2004 65 3 0  14 WebHome
  7 WebStatistics
  5 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebForm
  2 TopicClassification
  3 MarcoLeoni
Feb 2004 41 0 0  24 WebHome
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebChanges
  1 TopicClassification
  1 TWikiCategory
  1 ReadmeFirst
Jan 2004 32 0 0  17 WebHome
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebSearch
  2 OsLinux
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebChanges
  1 ReadmeFirst
  1 PublicSupported
  1 OsSolaris
Dec 2003 127 0 0  20 WebHome
 10 WebSearch
  7 WebChanges
  7 PublicFAQ
  6 ReadmeFirst
  5 WebStatistics
  5 TopicClassification
  5 OsVersion
  5 OsLinux
  5 OperatingSystem
  4 WebTopicList
Nov 2003 12 0 0  10 WebHome
  1 WebIndex
  1 ReadmeFirst
Oct 2003 50 1 0  16 WebHome
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebIndex
  2 TopicClassification
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 PublicFAQ
  2 OsWin
  2 OsLinux
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 MarcoLeoni
Sep 2003 9 0 0   7 WebHome
  1 WebNotify
  1 ReadmeFirst
Aug 2003 25 0 0   8 WebHome
  4 OsLinux
  3 OperatingSystem
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebNotify
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebForm
  1 TWikiCategory
  1 PublicFAQ
Jul 2003 97 2 0  19 WebHome
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  7 ReadmeFirst
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebForm
  4 WebChanges
  4 OsWin
  4 OsSolaris
  3 WinDoze95Crash
  2 MarcoLeoni
Jun 2003 18 0 0  11 WebHome
  2 WebTopicList
  2 ReadmeFirst
  1 WebStatistics
  1 OsLinux
  1 OperatingSystem
May 2003 33 0 0  14 WebHome
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebChanges
  2 ReadmeFirst
  2 OperatingSystem
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
  1 OsVersion
Apr 2003 33 0 0  21 WebHome
  3 ReadmeFirst
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebChanges
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebIndex
  1 OsWin
Mar 2003 50 0 0  19 WebHome
  6 ReadmeFirst
  3 WebIndex
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebChanges
  2 NoDisclosure
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebPreferences
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  1 TopicClassification
Feb 2003 53 1 0  19 WebHome
  4 ReadmeFirst
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 MarcoLeoni
Jan 2003 36 0 0   6 WebHome
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebIndex
  1 WinDoze95Crash
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebForm
  1 WebChanges
Dec 2002 42 0 0   6 WebHome
  3 ReadmeFirst
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebChanges
  2 OsLinux
  1 WinDoze95Crash
Nov 2002 5 2 0   3 WebHome
  2 WebTopicEditTemplate
  2 MarcoLeoni
Oct 2002 16 5 0   9 WebHome
  7 WebNotify
  5 MarcoLeoni


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.





-- TWikiGuest - 2024-07-22


I got a call from Bill offering me $500 for each Windows crash reported to Micro$oft.


Use Linux.

-- TWikiGuest - 10 Feb 1999

Number of topics: 29

Topic revision: r13 - 2010-09-10 - Ivoa
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