Difference: TCG-TC-20240626 (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82024-07-01 - MarcoMolinaro


TCG Meeting (online) - June 26 2024 @ 13:00 UTC

  • Attendees :
  • Regrets : August Muench (OOO), Francesca (?), Simon, Sara
  • Attendees : Marco, Tom, Pierre LS, Adrian, Grégory, Joshua, Jesus, Baptiste, Sebastien, Renaud, Tess, Gilles, Yihan. Steve, Tamara, Mark K, Ricardo, Anne, Markus, Rafael, Francesca, Janet
  • Regrets : August, Simon, Sara, Vandana, Mark CD, Pierre F


  • Welcome and group overview
    • round-table introductions
  • (standing item): documents on track
        • reminder for all to close review asap to move the 2 specs on
    • status of VOEvent-2.1 & UCDList-1.6
      • VOEvent-2.1 should go soon to PR, and, following, RFC
      • UCDList-1.6: update to UCD builder, then EN ready for TCG vote; continue integration in astropy
    • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0: PR, be prepared to read & review
      • lot of progress, still controversial points, consensus yet to be build, dedicated meeting planned (2 July, 15:30 UTC)
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • VEP-014 only needs clean up; VEP-015 has been dropped; VEP-016 needs clarifications/group discussion
  • Roadmap 2024A
    • status
    • outstanding points/topics
  • DM/DAL/Apps joint session: path forward
    • DM - FITS keys serialisation - Note
    • CAOM roadmap w.r.t DM one
    • Added report on NASA spectral FITS effort and possible connection at ADASS/IVOA in Malta
  • P3T status & plans
    • next P3T: 15 July @ 20 UTC
  • Next Interop: Nov. 15-17, Malta - reminder
    • ask about Nov. 14th for TCG F2F meeting
  • AOB
    • DCP "non VO" standards listing
    • astronet.ru registry not responding - discussion
      • ask Exec and report Registry about deleting the publishing registry from RofR
  • Date for the next TCG vconf
    • (informal) Wednesday 31 July @ 20:00 ?
    • (proper) Wednesday 24 August / 4 September @ 20:00 ?
    • (informal) Wednesday 31 July @ 20:00 UTC for those we are able to attend, quick TCG status check
    • (proper) Wednesday 28 August @ 20:00 UTC (possible fallback on 4 September if many claim 28 doesn't work)
  TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the IVOA Events page.

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