Difference: RoadMap (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72020-08-11 - BruceBerriman

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"


ROADMAP - 2020







The China-VO service portal will be upgraded and re-designed under the name of new endorsed National Astronomical Data Center (NADC). The upgraded system will act as two roles: a FAIRable (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data repository and a whole life-cycle science platform for research projects, observation teams, individual astronomers, amateur astronomers and the public. Virtual Observatory and Cloud Computing technologies will be used heavily during the upgrade and re-design. In the coming years, FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) and EP (Einstein Probe mission) will be specially supported by the China-VO as leading projects in radio astronomy and time-domain astronomy separately. During the last decade, LAMOST, a very successful spectroscopic sky survey project, has always been serviced as the key partner of the China-VO.



Development of Authentication/Authorization system and integration with OAuth identities. Deeper integration between IVOA standards delivered services and science community software tools, such as development of pyVO package. Evolution of the datamodelling to encompass more datasets in a common infrastructure and development of tools that take advantage of that infrastructure for the for science analysis. Continue to grow awareness of IVOA in the science user community in Canada and work towards adoption of IVOA standards in new telescope projects such as SKA, TMT and LSST.
Development of Authentication/Authorization system and integration with OAuth identities. Deeper integration between IVOA standards delivered services and science community software tools, such as development of pyVO package. Evolution of the datamodelling to encompass more datasets in a common infrastructure and development of tools that take advantage of that infrastructure for the for science analysis. Continue to grow awareness of IVOA in the science user community in Canada and work towards adoption of IVOA standards in new telescope projects such as SKA, TMT and LSST.


EURO-VO partners are participating the EC funded ESCAPE project (https://www.projectescape.eu) [Feb 2019 - July 2022]. This project is done in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

The main activities in the ESCAPE project related to VO are:

  • Integration of astronomy and VO data services into the EOSC
  • Support for the use of the VO framework for large astronomy infrastructures (ESFRI and others) in particular SKA, CTA, KM3NeT, EST, ELT, EGO-Virgo, JIVE, LOFAR
  • Training events for science users and european astronomy data providers
The Euro-VO web pages (http://www.euro-vo.org) are being maintained and are planned to be migrated to WordPress in 2020.


ESA VO activities are being carried out by the ESAC Science Data Centre and will focus in the following main areas:

  • Ensure ESA astronomical archives are FAIR and accessible through VO protocols. Main developments planned for 2020 are, among others, the Gaia eDR3 data release with datalink connections to the new spectral and light-curve collections, TAP interfaces for Gaia, ESASky, the ESA Hubble archive, the XMM-Newton archive and the Herschel Science archive.
  • Develop further VO compliant tools, in particular ESASky and ESA Datalabs.
  • Operate and maintain the Euro-VO Registry.
  • Participate to the IVOA activities.
  • Liaise with other international alliances, in particular IPDA and IHDEA

France VO - Action Spécifique Observatoires Virtuels France (ASOV)












1. Continued support for operations, including implementation of regular benchmarkign
2. Python Interfaces and Python workshops.
3. Implementation plan for CAOM
4. DataLink implementation
5. Science Platforms interoperability requirements

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