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Revision 42016-05-12 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaValidatorsSummary"

IVOA Validation Capabilities

This page provides a comprehensive summary of the validation capabilities associated with published IVOA standards. Validators include any software which takes an entity purported to be compliant with one or more IVOA standards and tests this compliance. The entity may a string, a file, a library, or a on-line service. Generally validators may produce false positives, services which seem to pass the validator but which may still be non-compliant. Only limited tests are done and some semantic aspects of a protocol may not be amenable to automated testing. However false negatives, where a service fails even though it is compliant, should be rare and should be reported to the party responsible for the validator.

The following table indexes validators for all IVOA protocols. The protocol name is a link to the following detailed discussions of the validation state of each protocol. These include links to any online validation sites or standalone validation software.


SAMP 1.3 Yes
VOTable 1.3,1.2,1.10,1.0 Yes
MOC 1.0 Yes
DataLink None
Cone Search 1.03 Multiple
SIA Multiple
SLA 1.0 Yes
SSA Multiple
STC-S None
TAP 1.0 Yes
TAPRegExt 1.0, 1.1 Yes
ADQL 1.0, 2.0
SkyNode No
SimDAL 1.0 Unknown
VOEvent Transport
1.0 Unknown
SODA 1.0 Unknown
Photometry 1.0 Unknown
Simulation 1.0 Unknown
STC 1.0 Unknown
Astronomical Dataset Characterization 1.0 Unknown
Simple Spectral Lines 1.0
Spectral 1.0
ObsCore 1.0, 1.1 Yes
Characterization: Complements and new features. 1.0 Unknown
VO-DML 1.0 Unknown
Dataset Metadata 1.0 Unknown
N-d Cube/Image 1.0 Unknown
Parameter Descripton Language 1.0 Unknown
SSO 1.01 Unknown
VOSpace 2.0,1.15,1.02 Unknown
Credential Delegation 1.0 Unknown
UWS 1.0, 1.1 Multiple

IVOA Identifiers
2.0 Yes

OAI-PMH with IVOA extensions (non IVOA)

Registry Interfaces 1.0


(but see previous for OAI)

Resource Metadata 1.2,1.02 Unknown
StandardsRegExt 1.0 Unknown
SimpleDALRegExt 1.0 Unknown
VOResource 1.03 Unknown
VODataService 1.0 Unknown

Reg TAP: Registry Relational Schema

1.0 Yes
VOUnits 1.0
UCDs 1.10 Unknown
UCD1+ Vocubulary
1.23,1.11 Yes
UCD Maintenance 1.20 Unknown
Vocabularies 1.19 Unknown
IVOA Document Standards 1.2 Unknown
VOEvent 2.0,1.0 Unknown
VOEventRegExt 1.0 Unknown


  • The JSAMP library/toolkit includes a fairly comprehensive set of validation tests ( hubtester ) for a SAMP Hub. In principle this can test both Standard and Web Profiles, though the web client is faked (it's not done from a browser). No SAMP client validator is included - such a thing wouldn't be able to do much, but could be a useful addition.


    • STILTS votlint provides comprehensive validation for VOTable 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, includes schema/DTD validation as well as much more stringent tests. Can be used standalone, but API has hooks for programmatic incorporation into other validators that need to validate VOTables (taplint does this).

      You can also validate against the VOTable schema (or for v1.0 the DTD) provided in the standard.


      • Moc.jar 4.6 provides a validator method for MOC 1.0 REC. This validator is remotely usable via the MocServer servlet provided by CDS.
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