Difference: IvoaTheory_ITVODatamodel (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52007-04-11 - PatriziaManzato

META TOPICPARENT name="IVOATheorySimulationDatamodel"

ITVO Data model

Provided by: Patrizia Manzato

The database schema is a multi-level one:
The ITVO (Italian Theoretical Virtual Observatory) database schema is a multi-level one:
  - Level 0: input parameters and metadata of the direct outcome of the simulation;

- Level 1: data extracted or derived from the simulation results;

- Level 2: all data obtain by post-processing of before level.

  • ITVO@Trieste database diagram below:


<-- Disegno_ITVO2.jpg

  • ITVO@Catania database diagram provided by V. Costa:



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1175857490" name="Disegno_ITVO2.jpg" path="D:\workspaces\eclipse3.1.2\workspace\ivoa\specifications\theory\simulation DM\other data models\trieste\Disegno_ITVO2.jpg" size="214513" user="GerardLemson" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1175857730" name="basti_vomap3.ppt" path="D:\workspaces\eclipse3.1.2\workspace\ivoa\specifications\theory\simulation DM\other data models\trieste\basti_vomap3.ppt" size="36352" user="GerardLemson" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1176193275" name="ITVO-catania.jpg" path="ITVO-catania.jpg" size="198459" user="PatriziaManzato" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1176197961" name="ITVO-trieste.jpg" path="ITVO-trieste.jpg" size="306711" user="PatriziaManzato" version="1.1"
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