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Revision 112020-02-18 - FrancescaCivano


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM89)

when: February 18, 2020

Time: 10am (Eastern), 3pm (UTC)


IVOA exec meeting TM89
Hosted by CXC Data Systems
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020 10:00 am | 2 hours | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 735 859 797
Password: ivoaTM89
Join by video system
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1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 735 859 797

Draft Agenda TM88


Draft Agenda TM89

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM88
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. IVOA high-level annual roadmap (CC)
  1. Future Interop meetings: Sydney (SO), Granada
  1. Future Interop meetings: Sydney (SO), Granada
  1. Registration fee at future interops meetings (CC)
  2. Code of Conduct (CC, MA)
  3. Radio Astronomy IG (MA, BM)
  4. IVOA website transfer (MM)
  5. Date of next Exec meeting
  6. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects







  • The China-VO portal is under re-design under the name of National Astronomical Data Center (NADC). We hope the new portal act as two roles: a FAIRable data repository and a whole life-cycle science platform.
  • The second term collaboration agreement between NAOC and Alibaba Cloud (2020-2022) is finalized.
  • A new FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) web portal is under commission operation. The portal and back-end system are designed and developed by the China-VO team. FAST archive will become another key dataset in addition to LAMOST archive in the coming years.




Euro-VO partners are working together in the ESCAPE project (https://www.projectescape.eu) which is now 12 months into its 42 month program. The ESCAPE work package CEVO "Connecting ESFRI to the EOSC via Virtual Observatory" is facilitating the use of VO in a number of astronomy and astroparticle physics projects, with specific effort dedicated to implementing and contributing to IVOA standardisation, and its connection to the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) A recent event, a “Technology Forum” (https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20005/) was held in Strasbourg 4-6 February 2020 which presented progress from the 1st year. A school for early career researchers is being planned for late May 2020.
Euro-VO partners are working together in the ESCAPE project (https://www.projectescape.eu) which is now 12 months into its 42 month program. The ESCAPE work package CEVO "Connecting ESFRI to the EOSC via Virtual Observatory" is facilitating the use of VO in a number of astronomy and astroparticle physics projects, with specific effort dedicated to implementing and contributing to IVOA standardisation, and its connection to the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) A recent event, a “Technology Forum” (https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20005/) was held in Strasbourg 4-6 February 2020 which presented progress from the 1st year. A school for early career researchers is being planned for late May 2020.


France VO - Action Spécifique Observatoires Virtuels France (ASOV)

The ASOV continues to organise and support the French VO community, by organising an Annual Meeting and an annual call for proposals to fund travels to the IVOA Interoperability meetings (and similar meetings for other 'nearby' disciplines) and collaboration meetings between French teams. The role and history of ASOV since its creation in 2004 was summarised by Francoise Genova in a talk presentend at the May 2019 Interoperability meeting. ASOV is also tasked to enable sharing of best practices between the teams which provide data services, which is done through an annual meeting called the 'semi-hack-a-thon' co-located with the Annual ASOV Meeting and a specific mailing list for exchanges between developers.

In 2020 as usual the ASOV run a call for proposals, which will in particular provide support to participation of staff from French labs in the Sydney and Granada Interoperability meetings. The Annual Meeting will be held 10 (afternoon) -11 March in Paris (http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/ASOVFrance/Reunion2020), preceded by the semi-hack-a-thon meeting 9-10 (morning) March (http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/SemiHackAThon6). Priorities for the coming years are to bring back the French Solar community, which had been very active at the beginning of the ASOV, taking advantage of the participation of the European Solar Telescope in the current European project which supports the European Virtual Observatory Euro-VO, ESCAPE. Another priority is the relationship with the possible structure put in place to deal with AI following the 2019 national Astronomy & Astrophysics strategic meeting.

The ASOV is run by a Scientific Council mainly composed of representatives designated by the National Programmes, which cover the different sub-disciplines of the so-called 'Solar System and Far Universe' scientific field. The ASOV is regularly evaluated and renewed, currently every 5 years. The Scientific Council leadership will evolve mid-2020 at the next renewal: Francoise Genova will be replaced by Franck Le Petit, who will become the France VO member of the IVOA Exec Committee. They have been working together to organise the 2020 activities during the transition period.









  • Currently finalising the move of the web assets, web pages and doc repo, from IUCAA to Trieste
  • Currently finalising the move of the web assets, web pages and doc repo, from IUCAA to Trieste
    • DNS already switched, first checks in place
    • the current connection of the services will stay as before, now on changes will gradually happen
    • the current connection of the services will stay as before, now on changes will gradually happen
      • tool updates, doc processing updates to follow up, ...



Report from the TCG

Report from the Working Groups

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="actions_for_tm89.pdf" attr="" comment="actions for TM89" date="1580417023" name="actions_for_tm89.pdf" path="actions_for_tm89.pdf" size="15346" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Sydney_meeting_status.pdf" attr="" comment="IVOA 2020 Sydney update" date="1581971248" name="Sydney_meeting_status.pdf" path="Sydney_meeting_status.pdf" size="35371" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_granada_report_feb2020.pdf" attr="" comment="Report on IVOA Interop in Granada" date="1581992352" name="ivoa_granada_report_feb2020.pdf" path="ivoa_granada_report_feb2020.pdf" size="45616" user="ChenzhouCui" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_granada_report_feb2020.pdf" attr="" comment="IVOA 2020 Granada" date="1582061426" name="ivoa_granada_report_feb2020.pdf" path="ivoa_granada_report_feb2020.pdf" size="45616" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"
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