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Revision 22012-06-26 - root


Presentations from the AstroStatistics workshop at the CfA - August 2010


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Title Slides
KirkBorne LSST: Informatics and Statistics Research Challenges ppt pdf
Peter Freeman Nonlinear Data Transformation Applications with Diffusion Map pdf

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Revision 12010-08-25 - RaffaeleDAbrusco


Presentations from the AstroStatistics workshop at the CfA - August 2010


Who Title Slides
KirkBorne LSST: Informatics and Statistics Research Challenges ppt pdf
Peter Freeman Nonlinear Data Transformation Applications with Diffusion Map pdf


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1282751483" name="kborne_CAS2010aug24.ppt" path="kborne_CAS2010aug24.ppt" size="1556480" user="RaffaeleDAbrusco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1282751911" name="kborne_CAS2010aug24.pdf" path="kborne_CAS2010aug24.pdf" size="1403913" user="RaffaeleDAbrusco" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1282752087" name="pfreeman_CAS2010aug24.pdf" path="pfreeman_CAS2010aug24.pdf" size="18142598" user="RaffaeleDAbrusco" version="1.1"
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