Difference: InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServicesSession2Notes (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22007-09-28 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices"

Grid WG Interop 2007 Autumn Session 2 Notes

Profile for REST services

  • as an analogue for the profile for Web Services.
    • but is is really necessary in the same way - REST itself is not a standard
    • however it could be useful to have a document that outlines the basics - just of a Note.
    • Norman Gray / Andre Schaaff

Single Sign On/ Delegation

Decision to proceed with the delegation protocol that Guy presented.


Guy wants to revise schema to make more friendly to schema, then move to PR.
Guy wants to revise schema to make more friendly to use, then move to PR.


Revision 12007-09-28 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices"

Grid WG Interop 2007 Autumn Session 2 Notes

Profile for REST services

  • as an analogue for the profile for Web Services.
    • but is is really necessary in the same way - REST itself is not a standard
    • however it could be useful to have a document that outlines the basics - just of a Note.
    • Norman Gray / Andre Schaaff

Single Sign On/ Delegation

Decision to proceed with the delegation protocol that Guy presented.


Guy wants to revise schema to make more friendly to schema, then move to PR.

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