Difference: InterOpOctober2019DCP-Minutes (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22019-10-11 - AndreSchaaff


DCP Session minutes


DCP Session minutes (Thanks to Tim for the notes)




André, Introduction

  • General overview of the session.

  • Mentions that there will be two RDA meetings before the next IVOA meeting.

Anastasia, DOI Handling at AIP

  • Have been issuing DOIs since 2015.

  • Showed five sets of survey data.

  • Have > 200,000 DOIs

  • For example each photographic plate.

  • Have a DOI for entire data release and DOIs for each table within a data release.

  • Do allow versions but the DOI stays the same.

  • There can be a version in the DataCite metadata but you can not guarantee reproducibility.

  • Do not have the space to keep all versions around with separate DOIs.

  • "Cultural Heritage Objects"

  • Use CC0 license for data.

  • Can support users uploading curated data for publication citing.

  • Would like to have a standard way to represent DOIs in VOTable. When downloading query results would be good if results table included the DOI of the data that was queried.

  • Question: How does your Gaia DOI handling differ from ESACs and what relationship do you use to link them?
  • Answer: ESAC do not use DOIs.

  • Cross match tables also an issue.

  • Question: How do you generate DOIs?
  • Answer: Work with DataCite.

  • Markus explains difference between CrossRef and DataCite. You have much more control if you can issue your own DataCite DOIs rather than going through a third party.

André, Tim, DOI Note

  • Explains how DCP are writing a note describing best practices for DOI usage in astronomical.

  • Suggests adding DOI to ObsCore as an `altidentifier`.

  • Some question about internal identifiers in DataCite and whether DataCite could support ivoID.

  • Question: Is URI an option?
  • Answer: Anne Raugh says that the DataCite metadata model is flexible and extra identifier styles can be requested.

  • Make clear that the note is not an IVOA recommendation.

  • It is a citable document explaining current best practice.

  • Markus tries to explain difference between Data Set and Data Collection.

  • A Data Set is a single image and is represented by ObsCore.

  • Data Collection is a collection of Data Sets and is a Resource.

  • There is a notion of Contributor.

  • Contact, Publisher, or Author preferred.

  • ORCID can be used for Author in addition to a name string.

Chenzhou, National Astronomical Data Center of China

  • China-VO has more than 20,000 users worldwide (mostly from China).

  • China created 20 national data centers in June and astronomy was one of them.

  • Required to track papers citing their data.

  • Supports full life cycle of astronomical data from applying to time to writing the paper and citing the data.

Sara, Data FAIRness through Open Science

  • Exploitation of DOIs for reproducibility.

  • CDS (Climate Model Data Services; not CDS Strasbourg!) and CADC provide services for issuing DOIs for data sets.

  • Discusses that a new version of a dataset does require a new DOI.

  • This is an open debate for large datasets (see AIP talk earlier).

  • Also useful to obtain DOIs for code (eg Zenodo from GitHub).

  • Would like to link software to the processed data => this is important for reproducibility.

  • Software and data are not sufficient for reproducibility. How do we handle this?

  • Provenance is critical because configuration of that software is required to know how you run the software to generate the data.

  • Workflows with automated pipelines are one idea but still need to store the provenance with the dataset and not the software.

  • Also what happens if an astronomer then fiddles with the data after it comes out of the pipeline.

Tim, Data Formats

  • The ADASS BoF had one major issue concerning data preservation.

  • There was a worry that the FITS compression standard is too complex and that cfitsio is the only library that implements them all.

  • Markus thinks we really need a Java library that does all the compression algorithms.

  • It would also be great if Aladin could read tile compressed FITS.

  • Gilles from CDS suggests that there are sufficient "standard" FITS keywords for ObsCore to work.

  • Tim said that he would check whether LSST data conforms if Gilles sends him a list.

André, Machine-Readable license for Data

  • A machine readable license is strongly endorsed by RDA.

  • Question: Should license be in the headers of each image and downloaded table?
  • Answer: VOResource supports a license URI.

  • Markus suggests a standard info in DALI.

  • Should copyright also be included? Yes.

  • Suggestion that LSST data would come with an LSST license that denotes the redistribution limits regarding data rights.

Revision 12019-09-23 - AndreSchaaff


DCP Session minutes


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