Difference: InterOpOct2011Impl (13 vs. 14)

Revision 142011-10-18 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2011"

Special Plenary Session IVOA Standards Implementation at Oct 2011 Interop Meeting (Pune)

Tuesday October 18, 9:30 - 11:00, Bhaskara 3

Speaker Title Materials
Franck Le Petit Implementation of Theory Standards pdf
Omar Laurino SED @ VAO IVOA_Pune_DMImp.pdf
Nicholas Walton VAMDC experience in deplying standard interfaces at the various Atomic and Molecular data centres. pdf
Markus Demleitner TAP in DACHS Notes
Grégory Mantelet Feedback from TAP implementation pdf

Expressions of interest to present a talk

Francois Bonnarel, Igor Chilingarian, Mireille Louys: Binding together several standards into an operational service

Franck Le Petit: Implementation of Theory standards

Nic Walton : VAMDC experience in deplying standard interfaces at the various Atomic and Molecular data centres.

Omar Laurino: VAO SED implementation


Deoyani Nandrekar : issues from TAP implementation on SDSS at JHU

Markus Demleitner: TAP in DaCHS (DaCHS is the software behind the GAVO data centre)

Grégory Mantelet: Feedback from TAP implementation


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1318908437" name="IVOA_Pune_DMImp.pdf" path="IVOA_Pune_DMImp.pdf" size="148168" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation by Franck Le Petit" date="1318908488" name="IVOA_11Punes.pdf" path="IVOA_11Punes.pdf" size="3123176" user="HerveWozniak" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation by Gregory Mantelet" date="1318908576" name="FeedbackonTAPimplementation.pdf" path="Feedback on TAP implementation.pdf" size="383324" user="FrancoiseGenova" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Implemention of VO standards / examples" date="1318910235" name="implementation_of_standards_IVOA.pdf" path="implementation_of_standards_IVOA.pdf" size="44699" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"
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