Difference: InterOpMay2021Reg (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112021-05-28 - MarkusDemleitner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2021"

Registry Session Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting

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Registry 1

Time: Friday May 28 13:30 UTC

Speaker Title Time Material
Gilles Landais CDS Registry Migration 10''+X'  
Baptiste Cecconi EPN-TAP and the Registry 10''+X' notes
Markus Demleitner Advanced Column Metadata and RegTAP XX'+X' notes
Markus Demleitner VODataService 1.2 - MOCs and the Registry XX''+X' notes

Moderator: Theresa Dower, Notetaker: Tom Donaldson, notes: Etherpad link

Pyvo Registry Data Discovery Splinter

Wednesday, May 26, 2021, gather.town, notes to be posted.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="registry_may2021_splinter_notes.txt" attr="" comment="" date="1622055019" name="registry_may2021_splinter_notes.txt" path="registry_may2021_splinter_notes.txt" size="1347" user="TheresaDower" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="EPNtap-registry-good-bad-ugly.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622119785" name="EPNtap-registry-good-bad-ugly.pdf" path="EPNtap-registry-good-bad-ugly.pdf" size="601646" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="colstats.pdf" attr="" comment="notes for the talk on advanced column metadata" date="1622208805" name="colstats.pdf" path="colstats.pdf" size="52203" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="regtap1_2.pdf" attr="" comment="notes on the talk on vodataservice 1.2 in regtap" date="1622208849" name="regtap1_2.pdf" path="regtap1_2.pdf" size="115856" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="colstats.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622217520" name="colstats.pdf" path="colstats.pdf" size="52203" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="regtap1_2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622217499" name="regtap1_2.pdf" path="regtap1_2.pdf" size="115864" user="MarkusDemleitner" version="2"
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