Difference: InterOpMay2012Implementation (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-05-24 - PetrSkoda

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2012"

Feedback on Implementation Session at the May 2012Interop Meeting

Thursday May 24, 11:00-12:30 NSCA Building, Auditorium

Implementation of IVOA standards by the data centres and services is critical to the success of the VO, so it is vitally important to get feedback on how this is proceeding. The aim of this session is to share lessons learned and to discuss implementation tools. Given the large number of standards now available, it would be particularly interesting to get feedback on implementation of multiple standards, and how well they work together.

There will be a number of short contributed presentations, and WG chairs are encouraged to comment on specific implementations in their domains.

Time Speaker Title Presentation
11.00-11:05 F. Genova Introduction  
11:05-11:20 M. Molinaro VO-Dance impelmentation experience pdf
11:20-11:35 R. Smareglia Feedback from VO-Publish workshop in Italy pdf
11:35-11:50 M. Demlietner SPLAT Notes
11:50-12:05 P. Skoda On Expectations and Reality of SSAP services From Under Both Hats  
12:05-12:30   Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VODance feedback, Molinaro" date="1337871024" name="VODanceFeedback.pdf" path="VODanceFeedback.pdf" size="462980" user="FrancoiseGenova" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Italian VO publishing workshop, Smareglia" date="1337871092" name="VOPublishinItaly.pdf" path="VOPublishinItaly.pdf" size="904005" user="FrancoiseGenova" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1337880645" name="champaign-feedback.pdf" path="champaign-feedback.pdf" size="70359" user="PetrSkoda" version="1.1"
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