Difference: InterOpMay2005GridAndWebServices (1 vs. 38)

Revision 382012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane / DaveMorris
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane / DaveMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials


Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Current drafts

  Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

Notes from Sessions

Session 3: WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)
Session 3: WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="What was on the board" date="1116557924" name="vospace.jpg" path="vospace.jpg" size="340266" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116568718" name="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" path="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" size="67584" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 372005-05-31 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services



RayPlante, AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, NoelWinstanley


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane / DaveMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:
  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

Notes from Sessions

Session 3: WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="What was on the board" date="1116557924" name="vospace.jpg" path="vospace.jpg" size="340266" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116568718" name="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" path="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" size="67584" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 362005-05-30 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services


RayPlante, AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, NoelWinstanley


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane / DaveMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:
  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

Notes from Sessions

Session 3: WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="What was on the board" date="1116557924" name="vospace.jpg" path="vospace.jpg" size="340266" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116568718" name="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" path="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" size="67584" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 352005-05-23 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts


InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services


RayPlante, AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, NoelWinstanley


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:
  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

Notes from Sessions

Session 3: WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)


Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

Notes from Sessions

Session 3
WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="What was on the board" date="1116557924" name="vospace.jpg" path="vospace.jpg" size="340266" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116568718" name="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" path="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" size="67584" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 342005-05-20 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials


Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

Notes from Sessions

Session 3
WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="What was on the board" date="1116557924" name="vospace.jpg" path="vospace.jpg" size="340266" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116568718" name="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" path="gws-report-end-kyoto.ppt" size="67584" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 332005-05-20 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Notes from Sessions

Session 3
WGS-Session3-notes.txt (RayPlante)

  • What was on the board:
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="What was on the board" date="1116557924" name="vospace.jpg" path="vospace.jpg" size="340266" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 322005-05-20 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


  • What was on the board:
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="What was on the board" date="1116557924" name="vospace.jpg" path="vospace.jpg" size="340266" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 312005-05-20 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556898" name="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" path="WGS-Session3-notes.txt" size="3058" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"

Revision 302005-05-20 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116556677" name="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" path="gws-session-2-kyoto-notes.txt" size="5413" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 292005-05-20 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials


Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 282005-05-20 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

* VOStore (WilliamOMullane)

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116547695" name="uws-kyoto.ppt" path="uws-kyoto.ppt" size="91136" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 272005-05-19 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"

Revision 262005-05-19 - NoelWinstanley

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="CEA Overview presentation" date="1116489033" name="ceapres.sxi" path="cea pres.sxi" size="10203" user="NoelWinstanley" version="1.1"

Revision 252005-05-19 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials


Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116487348" name="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-VOSTORE-KYOTO.ppt" size="556544" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 242005-05-19 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Presentation session 2" date="1116484349" name="VOBasicProfile_Kyoto_021.pdf" path="VO Basic Profile_Kyoto_021.pdf" size="197747" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 232005-05-19 - MasahiroTanaka

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="JVO use of Globus toolkit" date="1116482272" name="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" path="JVO_use_of_Globus-IVOA20050518-tanaka.ppt" size="109568" user="MasahiroTanaka" version="1.1"

Revision 222005-05-19 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116480516" name="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" path="wil-IVOA-SI-KYOTO.ppt" size="554496" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 212005-05-19 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials


Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478350" name="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" path="sso-arch-kyoto.ppt" size="204800" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116478515" name="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" path="shibboleth-review-kyoto.ppt" size="146944" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 202005-05-19 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.21 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts


Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 192005-05-19 - NoelWinstanley

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.



Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 182005-05-18 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Notes from first session" date="1116386626" name="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" path="securityWGS1-Notes.doc" size="28160" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 172005-05-18 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials


Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Introduction to SSO discussion" date="1116376854" name="sso-introduction.ppt" path="sso-introduction.ppt" size="113152" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 162005-05-17 - MariaNieto

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)
  Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VO Logging, why is it important?" date="1116317394" name="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" path="IVOA-logging-Kyoto.ppt" size="1330688" user="MariaNieto" version="1.1"

Revision 152005-05-17 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Reports on current practice (NVO) various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 142005-05-17 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services





Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 132005-05-16 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1116215060" name="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" path="GWS-WG-status-monday.ppt" size="103424" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 122005-05-13 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts


Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 112005-05-13 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.2 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • CASJobs access and account control (WilliamOMullane)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • Shibboleth (GuyRixon)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 102005-05-13 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 GuyRixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/David Morris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)
  • AstroGrid community and token system (David Morris)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)
  • (Something about Caltech experiments with secure WebDAV?)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 92005-05-13 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

  • AstroGrid proposal for CEA standardization?

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 82005-05-13 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services





Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 72005-05-12 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • JVO use of Globus Toolkit security features (MasahiroTanaka)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

  Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 62005-05-12 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • NVO security practice (RayPlante; working title)
  • Recommendations for Interoperable Authentication and
Authorization in the VO (RayPlante)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 52005-05-12 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

  • NVO security practice (RayPlante; working title)

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 42005-05-12 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services



Please add your name here if you are expecting to attend the sessions.


Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.


Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.

Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.


Revision 32005-05-12 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services




Please add your name here if you are expecting to attend the sessions.


Please add your name here if you were actually in one or more GWS sessions.



Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


Presentation materials

Speakers please attach your talks when you have them and link here.


Reports on current security practice

Hoping for short reports as follows:

Others welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you want to speak.


(These are in addition to the topic-leadership presentations implied in the timetable and the security-practice talks listed above.)

  • VO Logging, why is it important? (Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, JHU; in the VO Support-interfaces review)

Other short talks are still welcome; send mail to the list or to GuyRixon if you wish to speak.

Current drafts

Document authors and editors: if you have later revisions to the above documents, please attach them to the GWS page in the normal manner and link to them here (or ask GuyRixon to update the links). Please don't attach directly to this page, otherwise we may lose track of some versions.



Revision 22005-05-12 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services



Time Work Pkg Content Leader
Wednesday 09:00-12:30 Security Introduction & requirements GuyRixon
    Reports on current practice various
    Trust model GuyRixon
    Possible SSO architecture GuyRixon
Thursday 14:00-15:30 VO Basic Profile spec v0.1 AndreSchaaff
  VO Support Interfaces spec v0.22 + WSDL WilliamOMullane
Thursday 16:00-17:30 Asynchronous Activities UWS spec v0.1 Guy Rixon
    AstroGrid CEA NoelWinstanley
Friday 09:00-12:30 VOStore/VOSpace VOStore spec v0.18 WilliamOMullane/DavidMorris

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions


Revision 12004-12-08 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2005"

InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services



Time Work Pkg Content Leader

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

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