Difference: IVOARegWp04 (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62012-06-26 - root


Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces



The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry.


The members of the team are:
Andre Schaaff
Gretchen Greene
Keith Noddle (WP lead)
Marco Leoni
Ray Plante
William O'Mullane


Rwp04 has 4 main goals:

  1. Design the distribution mechanism
  2. Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry
  3. Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved
  4. Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed

Note "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised!


Date Deliverable
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
2 May 2003 Draft 0.1 Query Schema
28 June 2003 Draft 0.2 Query Schema
2 May 2003 Draft replication specification

Design Documents

All design documents can be found by clicking here.

-- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003

Internal Draft Specifications

Registry Interface

  • IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 working draft: Word, PDF

  • Registry Harvesting: a proposal for a Harvesting standard based on OAI (PDF)
    This document is written as drop-in replacement of section 4 in IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 above.

-- RayPlante - 18 May 2004

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="proposal for harvesting standard based on OAI" date="1084912111" name="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" path="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" size="175686" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"

Revision 52005-12-07 - MarcoLeoni


Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces



The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry.


The members of the team are:
Name Email
Andre Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr
Gretchen Greene greene@stsci.edu
Keith Noddle (WP lead) ktn@star.le.ac.uk
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu
William O'Mullane womullan@pha.jhu.edu
Andre Schaaff
Gretchen Greene
Keith Noddle (WP lead)
Marco Leoni
Ray Plante
William O'Mullane


Rwp04 has 4 main goals:

  1. Design the distribution mechanism
  2. Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry
  3. Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved
  4. Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed

Note "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised!


Date Deliverable
2 May 2003 Draft replication specification
2 May 2003 Draft 0.1 Query Schema
28 June 2003 Draft 0.2 Query Schema

Design Documents

All design documents can be found by clicking here.

-- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003

Internal Draft Specifications

Registry Interface

  • IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 working draft: Word, PDF

  • Registry Harvesting: a proposal for a Harvesting standard based on OAI (PDF)
    This document is written as drop-in replacement of section 4 in IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 above.

-- RayPlante - 18 May 2004


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="proposal for harvesting standard based on OAI" date="1084912111" name="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" path="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" size="175686" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"

Revision 42005-12-07 - MarcoLeoni




Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces


Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces



 The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry.


 The members of the team are:
Name Email
Andre Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr
Gretchen Greene greene@stsci.edu
Keith Noddle (WP lead) ktn@star.le.ac.uk
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu
William O'Mullane womullan@pha.jhu.edu


 Rwp04 has 4 main goals:

  1. Design the distribution mechanism
  2. Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry
  3. Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved
  4. Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed

Note "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised!


Date Deliverable
2 May 2003 Draft replication specification
2 May 2003 Draft 0.1 Query Schema
28 June 2003 Draft 0.2 Query Schema

Design Documents

All design documents can be found by clicking here.

-- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003

Internal Draft Specifications

Registry Interface

  • IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 working draft: Word, PDF

  • Registry Harvesting: a proposal for a Harvesting standard based on OAI (PDF)
    This document is written as drop-in replacement of section 4 in IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 above.

-- RayPlante - 18 May 2004


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="proposal for harvesting standard based on OAI" date="1084912111" name="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" path="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" size="175686" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"

Revision 32004-05-18 - RayPlante



Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces



The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry.


The members of the team are:

Name Email
Andre Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr
Gretchen Greene greene@stsci.edu
Keith Noddle (WP lead) ktn@star.le.ac.uk
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu
William O'Mullane womullan@pha.jhu.edu


Rwp04 has 4 main goals:

  1. Design the distribution mechanism
  2. Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry
  3. Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved
  4. Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed

Note "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised!


Date Deliverable
2 May 2003 Draft replication specification
2 May 2003 Draft 0.1 Query Schema
28 June 2003 Draft 0.2 Query Schema

Design Documents

All design documents can be found by clicking here.

-- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003



Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces



The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry.


The members of the team are:

Name Email
Andre Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr
Gretchen Greene greene@stsci.edu
Keith Noddle (WP lead) ktn@star.le.ac.uk
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu
William O'Mullane womullan@pha.jhu.edu


Rwp04 has 4 main goals:

  1. Design the distribution mechanism
  2. Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry
  3. Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved
  4. Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed

Note "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised!


Date Deliverable
2 May 2003 Draft replication specification
2 May 2003 Draft 0.1 Query Schema
28 June 2003 Draft 0.2 Query Schema

Design Documents

All design documents can be found by clicking here.

-- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003

Internal Draft Specifications

Registry Interface

  • IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 working draft: Word, PDF

  • Registry Harvesting: a proposal for a Harvesting standard based on OAI (PDF)
    This document is written as drop-in replacement of section 4 in IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1 above.

-- RayPlante - 18 May 2004


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="proposal for harvesting standard based on OAI" date="1084912111" name="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" path="IVOARegistryHarvesting.pdf" size="175686" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"

Revision 22003-05-08 - KeithNoddle



Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces



The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry.


The members of the team are:

Name Email
Andre Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr
Gretchen Greene greene@stsci.edu
Keith Noddle (WP lead) ktn@star.le.ac.uk
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu
William O'Mullane womullan@pha.jhu.edu


Rwp04 has 4 main goals:

  1. Design the distribution mechanism
  2. Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry
  3. Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved
  4. Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed

Note "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised!


Date Deliverable
2 May 2003 Draft replication specification
2 May 2003 Draft 0.1 Query Schema
28 June 2003 Draft 0.2 Query Schema

Design Documents

All design documents can be found by clicking here.

  -- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003


Revision 12003-04-16 - KeithNoddle



Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces



The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry.


The members of the team are:

Name Email
Andre Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr
Gretchen Greene greene@stsci.edu
Keith Noddle (WP lead) ktn@star.le.ac.uk
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu
William O'Mullane womullan@pha.jhu.edu


Rwp04 has 4 main goals:

  1. Design the distribution mechanism
  2. Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry
  3. Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved
  4. Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed

Note "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised!


Date Deliverable
2 May 2003 Draft replication specification
2 May 2003 Draft 0.1 Query Schema
28 June 2003 Draft 0.2 Query Schema

-- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003

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