Difference: IVAODMCatalogsWP (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72005-09-29 - PedroOsuna

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"

Catalog Data Model Work Package

The Catalogue Data Model is a sub-group of the Data Model group of the IVOA. As such, the ultimate word for any of its activities has to be given by the Data Model group chairman, JonathanMcDowell.

Although it is not cristal clear what we want to model in the Catalogue Data Model group, as the definition of a "Catalogue" is not razor sharp, we agreed at the last IVOA meeting in Poona (Sep 2004) that we ought to model simple things first and try to get to more complex levels later.

It was, in fact, the necessity to have a proper working model for Source Catalogues which lead to the creation of this group.

Therefore, we will initially concentrate our modeling efforts in the creation of a Source object description, that would find its place naturally inside the preliminary Data Model that was presented by the subgroup in Poona (see Poona_2004_Catalogue_DM.pdf)

Any suggestions/questions/comments can be done at the Catalogue DM subgroup mailing list at dm-catalog@ivoa.net

Draft Documents

There are no IVOA draft documents for this group yet.

Relevant Links

As there was no IVOA "official" mailing list for this subgroup, mails were being circulated among a group of volunteers who wanted to join the group. After the sort of official kick-off of the group in Poona-2004, a new mailing list (see below) was created. Instead of re-sending all previous mails to the whole of the dm list, we've created a text file) with all the mails since the beginning of the creation of the group.

The mails have pasted in a single file, in ascending chronological order with the idea to serve as a reference.



Text file with mails prior to dm-catalogue list creation.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poona 2004 Catalogue DM subgroup presentation" date="1107251789" name="Poona_2004_Catalogue_DM.pdf" path="Poona_2004_Catalogue_DM.pdf" size="71222" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Catalogue-DM mails prior to creation of mail-list" date="1107252994" name="Catalogue_DM_mails.txt" path="Catalogue_DM_mails.txt" size="130749" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="First attempt DM image (see Catalogue_DM_mails.txt" date="1107253667" name="CATALOGUE_DM_UML.jpg" path="CATALOGUE_DM_UML.jpg" size="54849" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="First attempt DM (recursive option)" date="1107253731" name="CATALOGUE_DM_Recursive_UML.jpg" path="CATALOGUE_DM_Recursive_UML.jpg" size="54961" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="First attempt DM instantiation example" date="1107253785" name="CATALOGUE_DM_Instantiation_UML.jpg" path="CATALOGUE_DM_Instantiation_UML.jpg" size="57565" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="BrianThomas-EdShaya view on Characterisation-Cata." date="1112781889" name="VOmodel_merger.pdf" path="VOmodel_merger.pdf" size="603343" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Kyoto presentation on Catalogue DM evolution" date="1127994189" name="Kyoto_2005_Catalogue_DM.ppt" path="Kyoto_2005_Catalogue_DM.ppt" size="413696" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
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