Backlinks to VocabularyTestPage in all Webs (Search IVOA Web only)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 22:41 (GMT)

IVOA Roadmap for 2018A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the Victoria and College...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM77) FM77 Sun, 27 May 2018 16:00 Local Time (23:00 UTC) SpiritAB FM77 Supplementary Wed, May 30 @12:30 Local Time...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM75) TM75 Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM75) Logistics Agenda...
Archive of work done within the Semantics WG For current activities, see IvoaSemantics. Towards Vocabularies 2 In preparation to the effort of modernising the Vocabularies...
Number of topics: 4

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