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VO Science in Prague : Aims and Topics After a few years of early technical development, the Virtual Observatory (VO) is now at a stage where new science is starting...
VO Science in Prague : Key Dates Apr 09 Deadline for submission of travel grants May 15 Early Registration ends Jun 01 Recommended Hotel booking date Jun...
VO Science in Prague : IAU General Assembly Our special session is part of the twenty sixth General Assembly of the IAU, being held in Prague, during the period Aug...
VO Science in Prague : Proceedings The Proceedings will be edited by Andy Lawrence, Roy Williams, and Nic Walton. Information to come. Further information Home...
VO Science in Prague : Scientific Organising Committee Andy Lawrence (chair SOC) UK al #64; Masatoshi Ohishi Japan masatoshi.ohishi #64;nao...
VO Science in Prague : Astronomical Data Management A closely related `special session` (SPS6) on Astronomical Data Management follows on immediately after ours...
VO Science in Prague : Keynote Speakers PROVISIONAL The following people have provisionally agreed to provide keynote talks. The final list will be confirmed in...
VO Science in Prague : Links to VO Projects Pages of International Virtual Observatory Alliance Pages of member projects Further information Home Aims and...
The Virtual Observatory in action: new science, new technology, and next generation facilities. IAU XXVI General Assembly, Special Session 3 Prague, August 17 18...
Number of topics: 9