Backlinks to InterOpMay2020 in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 18:06 (GMT)

DataLink 1.0 Next This topic collects proposals for modifications of the DataLink 1.0 specification in order to improve the next revision of the specification. Errata...
IVOA Distributed Services and Protocols (DSP) Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon...
Education Interest Group First Virtual Meeting 2020, August 31 In this first virtual meeting of the IVOA Edu IG we want to exchange experiences we made with remote...
Applications Working Group (Apps) Virtual Meeting (May 5 8) Sessions Annotations of light curves using VOTable Tuesday May 5, 15:00 16:00 UTC Other times zones...
Applications WG (Apps) Data Access Layer WG (DAL) and Python / PyVO
DAL sessions schedule IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Here follows the schedule of the DAL related sessions held at the IVOA May 2020 Virtual IVOA...
DCP IG Session, Virtual IVOA Interoperability meeting, Everywhere `Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long term curation and preservation...
This is the schedule setup for GWS related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020). The GWS session during the virtual meeting will be an open discussion on...
Opening Plenary Intro May 4, 2020 Speaker Title File Evans Welcome Logistics pdf CUI State of the IVOA Merin CSP
InterOpMay2020 meeting feedback This page is to collect ideas and suggestions from people attending the InterOpMay2020 meeting on how we can improve the virtual meeting...
Opening Plenary May 4, 2020 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Radioastronomy Interest Group Session Tuesday May 5th, 13:30 14:30 UTC, Virtual Etherpad Notes : (saved) https...
Semantics Session at the May 2020 Virtual Interop Wed, May 6, 15:00 16:00 UTC. In this session, we will mainly discuss the latest Working Draft for Vocabularies in...
TDIG sessions schedule IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting This is the schedule page for TDIG related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020)...
May 2020 IVOA Interop Meeting VOEvent next steps When May 06 2020 06:00 UTC link Where Zoom session, details available soon. The current version...
Radioastronomy in the VO Session Tuesday May 5th, 13:30 14:30 UTC, Virtual Speaker Title Time Material Bruno Mer...
Outline for planning the Virtual IVOA meeting J Evans (new: 23Jun2020; revised: 27Jan22) Technology Videocon: Zoom Recording: Record via Zoom Session...
IVOA Events Upcoming: Next Interoperability Meeting 1 6 June 2025 UMD (under preparation) Next Exec meeting TBD Next TCG meeting 7 April...
IVOA Grid Web Services Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon, AndreSchaaff...
IVOA Knowledge Discovery Interest Group Charter Knowledge discovery is the task of processing and analyzing data sets with the aim of extracting new knowledge....
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4 start date) Meeting link: Program link: Schedule inputs are...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date) Meeting web link: Program link:
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 24 28, 2021) Meeting web link: nov 20201 (Nov Meeting as template) InterOpNov...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group First Virtual Meeting 2020, July 2 via zoom Telecon Agenda: Presentation of CASDA VO services (James Dempsey) Summary of...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 25

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