Backlinks to InterOpMay2010GWS in IVOA Web (Search all webs)
IVOA Distributed Services and Protocols (DSP) Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon...
IVOA Interoperability meeting May 17 21, 2010: Victoria, Canada Local Organization Research Council Canada / Institute of Astrophysics / Astronomy...
IVOA Grid Web Services Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon, AndreSchaaff...
May 2018 IVOA Interop Meeting Schedule Preliminary Meeting Schedule Please note the additional sessions on Wednesday afternoon. Session Time...
May 2018 IVOA Interop Meeting Schedule Preliminary Meeting Schedule Please note the additional sessions on Wednesday afternoon. Session Time...
IVOA Interoperability meeting May 12 June 1, 2018: Victoria, Canada May 2018 IVOA InterOp Meeting Page THIS IS A DRAFT PAGE INFORMATION IS NOT YET FINALIZED...
Programme Preliminary Meeting Schedule Accurate as of 2010.05.16 check the twiki site for any updates
Number of topics: 7