Backlinks to DelegationService in all Webs (Search IVOA Web only)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

Credential Delegation Protocol specification: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the Delegation Protocol specification Proposed Recommendation...
GWS WG discussion @ November Interop 2021 GWS session 1 Dave Morris: ExecutionPlanner Service Interface Today there exists a large variety of Science Platforms...
Initial proposal for a RESTful delegation service Subsequently designated v0.1 of the draft standard GuyRixon 13 May 2007 The delegation service generates a...
Agenda for GWS WG sessions 1 2, Monday 14th May 2006 Topics SSO security Issues with TLS (listed in methods document) Issues with digital signature...
SSO Comments from Ray Plante These comments were prepared in response to the SsoRFC. Preface Acknowledgements I recommend that the following acknowledgement be included...
Registry metadata of individual secured services Security requirements of science services When we have secure web services (very soon now, hopefully), we will need...
Number of topics: 6

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