AstroGrid FileStore
Dave Morris
What Is FileStore ?
- It's a simple service that stores files
- Clients can get and put files
- Clients can ask the service to get and put files
- Uses SOAP for control messages, but data is transferred by direct connection
File identifiers
- Each file has a unique identifier, issued by the FileStore service
- Identifiers are based on the service IVO identifier, plus a unique file number
- e.g. ivo://
- Identifiers are globally unique
- The service identifier is unique within the registry
- e.g. ivo://
- The file number is unique within the service
- e.g. 1234-5678
Resolving identifiers
- Given a file identifier, clients can use the registry to locate a file
- e.g. ivo://
- The client can resolve the FileStore service in the registry using the identifier
service identifier >> registry entry
- The client can resolve the service endpoint from registry entry
registry entry >> service endpoint
- The client can ask the service for access to the file
service >> access URL
Client access
- It is possible for clients to contact the FileStore directly
- However, FileStore (VoStore) was designed to work in conjunction with the FileManager service (VoSpace)
- A client would normally contact a FileStore via a FileManager
Import init (async)
Client has data it wants to send to FileStore
- Client contacts FileStore and requests an import by calling importInit()
- Client may provide additional properties about the data e.g.
- The MIME type
- The preferred protocol and method **
- The IVO identifier of a callback listener **
- FileStore allocates a new (empty) container for the data
- FileStore replies to client with
- The identifier for the new container
- The location to send the data to, and the protocol and method to use
- ---- SOAP call completed ----
- Client uses the URL to send the data to the FileStore
- FileStore notifies listener if callback address was specified in the request **
Import data (sync)
Client wants FileStore to fetch data from an external location
- Client contacts FileStore and requests an import by calling importData()
- Client must specify
- The location of the data (URL)
- The transfer protocol and method to use
- Client may provide additional properties about the data e.g.
- FileStore creates a new container and fetches the data from the URL
- FileStore replies to client with
- The identifier for the new container
- Additional properties describing the data it recieved e.g.
- The size of the data
- The date/time the transfer completed
- ---- SOAP call completed ----
Import data (async) **
Client wants FileStore to fetch data from an external location
- Client contacts FileStore and requests an import by calling importData()
- Client must specify
- The location of the data (URL)
- The transfer protocol and method to use
- Client may provide additional properties e.g.
- The MIME type
- the IVO identifier of a callback listener service
- FileStore creates a new container for the data and schedules the transfer to occur later
- FileStore replies to client with
- The identifier for the new container
- ---- SOAP call completed ----
- FileStore fetches data from the URL and stores it in the container
- FileStore notifies listener if callback address was specified in the request **
Export init (async)
Client wants access to data in FileStore
- Client contacts FileStore and requests an export by calling exportInit()
- Client must specify
- The identifier of the container
- Client can provide additional properties, including
- The MIME type to use for the transfer **
- The preferred protocol and method **
- FileStore replies to client with
- The URL location to fetch the data from
- The protocol and method to use
- ---- SOAP call completed ----
- The client uses the URL to access the data
Export data (sync)
Client wants FileStore to send data to a remote location
- Client contacts FileStore and requests an export by calling exportData()
- Client must specify
- The identifier of the container
- The location to send the data to
- The transfer protocol and method to use
- Client may provide additional properties, including
- The MIME type to use for the transfer **
- FileStore sends the data to the specified URL
- FileStore replies to client with
- A set of properties describing the data that was sent
- ---- SOAP call completed ----
Export data (async)
Client wants FileStore to send data to a remote location
- Client contacts FileStore and requests an export by calling exportData()
- Client must specify
- The identifier of the container
- The location to send the data to
- The transfer protocol and method to use
- Client may provide additional properties, including
- The MIME type to use for the transfer**
- The IVO identifier of a callback listener service **
- FileStore replies to client with
- A set of properties describing the data that will be sent
- ---- SOAP call completed ----
- FileStore sends the data to the specified URL
- FileStore notifies listener if callback address was specified in the request **