AstroGrid FileManager
Dave Morris
What Is FileManager ?
A service that stores metadata about data in FileStore(s)
Provides a virtual view of files distributed across multiple store locations
Uses SOAP for control messages, but data is transferred by direct connection to the FileStore(s)
Hierachical view
FileManager metadata is represented as a tree of nodes
Individual nodes can be accessed via a root node and path
Node identifiers
Each node has a unique identifier, issued by the FileManager service
Identifiers are based on the service IVO identifier, plus a unique node number
Identifiers are globally unique
The service identifier is unique within the registry
The node number is unique within the service
Child nodes
Child nodes can be addresses using their unique identifier
Or, using their parent node and a path
Community accounts
FileManager trees are tied to a Community account
Each Community account has a separate root node in a FileManager
The location of the FileManager root node is a property of the Community account
Daves account in Cambridge Community
FileManager root for this account is
Node identifiers are for internal use, users should never have to see them
Users should see file paths like {home}/solar-project/results/query-7.vot
Resolving data location
Users see file paths like {home}/solar-project/results/query-7.vot
If I am logged in as Dave at Cambridge
{home} should automagically be resolved to
Long identifier for the node is {home} plus the path
Metadata for the node indicates the data is stored in FileStore at Leicester
Client access
Client software interacts with FileManager, which contacts FileStore(s) on their behalf
A client would not normally interact directly with a FileStore
Creating new file node
Client contacts FileManager and requests a new data node
Client must provide
The identifier of the parent node
e.g. {home}/solar-project/results
The name of the node
e.g. query-8.vot
Client may provide additional properties describing the node
MIME type
The preferred FileStore to use
FileManager allocates a new (empty) node for the data
FileManager replies to client with
The identifier for the new node
The array of properties associated with the node
Import init (short form)
Client has data it wants to send
Client contacts FileManager and creates a new data node
Client contacts FileManager requests an import by calling importInit()
Client specifies the node identifier
FileManager chooses preferred FileStore and calls importInit()
FileStore creates an empty container and replies to FileManager with
The identifier for the new container
The location to send the data to
FileManager keeps FileStore identifier and passes URL to the client
Client uses the URL to send the data to the FileStore
Import init (async)
Client has data it wants to send
Client contacts FileManager and creates a new data (file) node
Client contacts FileManager requests an import by calling importInit()
Client must provide the node identifier
FileManager chooses preferred FileStore and calls importInit()
Preferred FileStore can be based on
Properties of the node
Properties of the parent node **
Properties of the account **
Default for this service
Import init (async)
FileManager sends FileStore its own identifier as callback address **
FileStore creates an empty container and replies to FileManager with
The identifier for the new container
The location to send the data to, and the protocol and method to use
FileManager stores the FileStore container identifier in the node properties
filestore.location = ivo://
Import init (async)
FileManager replies to client with
The location to send the data to, and the protocol and method to use
---- SOAP call completed ----
Client uses the URL to send the data to the FileStore
FileStore notifies FileManager when transfer has completed **
FileManager updates node properties to include results from FileStore
Content size
Modified date
Import data (sync)
Client wants to store data from an external location
Client contacts FileManager and requests an import by calling importData()
Client specifies
The node identifier
Where to fetch the data
FileManager passes the request to the preferred FileStore
FileStore creates a new container and fetches the data from the URL
FileStore replies to FileManager with
The identifier for the new container
Additional properties describing the data it recieved
FileManager updates the node properties with response from FileStore
FileManager replies to client