% File name parameters: InitCondFile /ptmp/vrs/Millennium/ICs/ics_millennium OutputDir /ptmp/vrs/Millennium/ EnergyFile energy.txt InfoFile info.txt TimingsFile timings.txt CpuFile cpu.txt RestartFile restart SnapshotFileBase snap_millennium % CPU-time limit TimeLimitCPU 63000 ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand xxx CpuTimeBetRestartFile 20000.0 % write occasional restart files % Code options ICFormat 1 % only 1 is presently supported SnapFormat 1 % only 1 is presently supported NumFilesWrittenInParallel 64 % maximum number of files for which % simultaneous I/O is done % Characteristics of run TimeBegin 0.0078125 % z=127 TimeMax 1.0 Omega0 0.25 OmegaLambda 0.75 OmegaBaryon 0.0 HubbleParam 0.73 BoxSize 500.0 Softening 0.005 SofteningMaxPhys 0.005 % Output frequency OutputListFilename parameterfiles/millennium_zlist.txt OutputListOn 1 TimeBetSnapshot 1.1 TimeOfFirstSnapshot 1.1 TimeBetStatistics 0.1 % Accuracy of time integration ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.02 MaxSizeTimestep 0.05 MinSizeTimestep 0 MaxRMSDisplacementFac 0.25 % Tree algorithm and force accuracy ErrTolTheta 0.5 TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1 ErrTolForceAcc 0.005 % Parameters that affect memory usage of the code PartAllocFactor 1.5 TreeAllocFactor 0.49 BufferSize 228 % in MByte % System of units UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e24 ; 1.0 Mpc UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43 ; 1.0e10 solar masses UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5 ; 1 km/sec GravityConstantInternal 0