International  Virtual  Observatory  Alliance

IVOA Executive Meeting
23rd June 2004
Glasgow, UK

Registry Workgroup Report

1. Progress to date

Progress since the last exec meeting can pretty much be summarised in the decisions recorded at the IVOA Interoperability meeting in Harvard:

General decisions:

  1. Types are defined in RM
    Documents are defined in RI
  2. Will promote v1.1 of Identifier spec to PR status & thence to REC
  3. Implement owned/managed authorityID to cater for Publishing/Full registries

Schema decisions:

  1. Level of hierarchy will be as in RM v1.01
  2. Switch to type-based schemas (vs subs group)
  3. Logical-id will be defined via a second relationship (rather than via direct attribute)
  4. Service types as a sub-class of Resource (rather than extending Capability)
  5. Organisation type definition will be moved into the base VOResource definitions
  6. Referred resources will be via ivo-id attribute
  7. The metadata describing a registry will include a flag indicating whether it is a full or publishing registry.

Interface decisions:

  1. An IVOA Registry must support OAI-PMH protocol for harvesting via HTTP GET, returning at least oai_dc and ivo_vor metadata formats using standard data criteria
  2. The IVOA Registry Harvesting protocol will be web service-based and will conform to the full OAI-PMH specification: details will be worked out on the mailing list
  3. An IVOA Registry must support the Keyword Search as specified in the RI document
  4. An IVOA Registry must support a Full Query facility (interface tbd) using the WHERE clause of the ADQL schema with field names specified using non-namespaced XPath directives (simple, ie no [...] options), and returning full resource entries

2. Plans

The roadmap for getting to the Jan '2005 demos is:

Action Who When
Revise schema definition v0.10 Ray done
Revise RI specification Kevin 15-June late: due 25-June
Run inter-project harvesting trials NVO (Ray), AstroGrid (Kevin) from 01-Aug
Implement Keyword query interface NVO, AstroGrid from 01-Aug
Implement Full query interface NVO, AstroGrid from 01-Aug
IVOA Interoperability Demo all projects Jan 2005

We're behind on the RI spec but this could be due to problems that were noticed after the meeting. Kevin and Ray are discussing it now and I've reset the deadline to the end of this week (25th June).

3. Open issues

Tony Linde
AstroGrid Project Manager
Chair, IVOA Registry Workgroup