Bob Hanisch
changed from z to s!
need extra info to enable people to fill them in
contributor is someone who might add extra info to content
eg creator is author list, contributor might issue second edition
should be what the resource is about
will use STC (imported from schema)
discussion on prev P.Ortiz proposal
?in resource, link to footprint service for resource
will defer to later meeting
being used by skynode portals: this is why not deleted
characterises positional uncertainty, but we have uncertainty.spatial!
need to define distinction betw, regionofregard, resolution & uncertainty
assigned by registry operator (clarified later in comment)
L0: add comment that registries should not serve up non-compliant data
L2, eg ping SIAP with appropriate call
L3: includes local criteria set by the registry
registries should publish these criteria in human readable form
issues of reliability: do we need separate indicator: already have dataquality field (but this set by provider)
uri: standard that defines the service
what if service satisfies two standards: either make this multiple or post multiple entries
decided to stick with just single field
will revisit after more use
Ray Plante
but need to be tested, esp class generators
understand impact
registry needs to support multiple versions?
specific types of resource
Resource types: DataCollection, SkyService, TabularSkyService
Interface types: ParamHTTPGet, WebService
Kevin Benson, Paul Harrison
could we get App group to define standard sets
do we need standards?
abstracting out application metadata like language, platform
DM tiger team to address